The Best Tips for Writing Persuasive Product Descriptions

writing persuasive product descriptions

Many businesses underestimate the importance of product descriptions in their marketing strategies. Product descriptions are not given them enough attention, like other pages on a website.

But here’s the thing: product descriptions are really important. When people are deciding what to buy, they want to know all about the product. They want clear information and pictures that help them make a choice. 

In fact, a study from Think with Google showed that 85% of shoppers say product info and pictures are super important when picking a brand or store to buy from. Product descriptions are more than just boring words, they actually help customers understand what they’re getting. 

Good product descriptions can make your website rank higher in search results and even help you sell more. In this blog post, you’ll discover the secrets to crafting compelling and concise product descriptions.

What Exactly Is a Good Product Description?

how to write a good product description

Let’s talk about what makes a good product description. How can you know if your product descriptions are awesome? Here’s what a good product description should have:

  • SEO keywords – You have to use SEO-relevant keywords. These are special words that people search for when they’re looking for something like your product. 
  • Benefits – Make sure to tell people about the benefits of your product and what makes it super cool, and how it improves their lives.
  • Unique selling points – Don’t forget to mention the Unique Selling Points (USPs) – those special things will make your product stand out from others. 
  • Target to your audience – Think about your audience and use words they will understand and connect with. Make them feel like you’re talking directly to them. 
  • Match your website’s tone of voice – Make sure your product descriptions match the style and tone of your website. If your website is conversational or professional, your product descriptions should be too.

What Is the Ideal Length of a Product Description?

The length of a product description for many items should be around 125-150 words. 

However, a longer description of about 350-400 words is recommended for more complex products like electronics or large appliances. 

How to structure your description:

  • Start with a catchy and simple heading consisting of 3-5 words. 
  • Follow it with a standfirst summary of about 20 words. 
  • Next is the introduction, be sure to include SEO keywords that people search for.
  • Including a bulleted list of around 20 words for key features. 

How to Craft a Good Product Description

1. Get to know tour target audience

Understanding who you’re writing for is super important, especially regarding product descriptions. That means knowing who your customers are, like their age, where they live, and what they like. You also need to understand their interests and what they need. 

Knowing your target audience helps you write product descriptions that speak directly to them. It’s like saying their language and excites them about what you offer. 

2. Highlight the benefits

product description writing examples

When people want to buy something, they want to know what benefits they’ll get from it. That’s why talking about the benefits of a product is essential. 

Benefits are all the positive things the product can do for your customers, and they’re even more important than just talking about its features. 

Steve Jobs, a brilliant marketer who wanted to sell a portable music player known as the iPod, was a great example of successfully utilizing benefits in marketing strategies. Instead of saying it had 128 MB of storage (which is a feature that most people don’t know what it is), he said it could hold “1000 songs in your pocket!” It immediately got people really excited and wanted to have that product! 

Taking a cue from Steve Jobs’ genius marketing strategy, the most effective thing when writing product descriptions is to emphasize the benefits of a product rather than its features. As a result, people will be more inclined to purchase the product on your website.

3. Describe your product’s unique selling points

Unique Selling Points (USPs) are the special things that make your product different from others. It’s like having a secret weapon that only your product has. 

These are the special features or benefits only your product has, making it extra special. When you tell people about these unique selling points, they’ll say, “Wow, I need that product because it can do things that other products can’t!” Highlighting your product’s unique selling points and letting everyone know how special it is will make your product stand out from the crowd. 

4. Utilize bullet points to make it scannable

People like to check out what’s special about a product quickly. That’s why bullet points are like creating a magic spell that instantly shows the most important information.

You can share all the fantastic things about your product clearly and easily with bullet points. Each bullet point is like a sparkly gem, highlighting the most exciting features or benefits. People love it because it saves them time and lets them know the coolest things about your product in just a glance.

5. Match the tone of your website

You know, just like you have your unique way of speaking and expressing yourself, your website has its tone of voice too. It’s like having a secret language that makes your website stand out. 

When you write your product descriptions, you want to make sure they speak the same language as your website. Matching the tone of your website helps you create a cohesive and engaging experience for your visitors. 

6. Include SEO Keywords

You might wonder if including SEO keywords in your product descriptions is necessary. The answer is a definite YES. 

SEO keywords are crucial in optimizing your website’s visibility and ensuring that it appears in relevant search results, including product descriptions. By strategically incorporating SEO keywords into your product descriptions, you enhance your website’s chances of ranking higher in search engine results. This means that when potential customers search for products similar to what you offer, they are more likely to find your website. 

For instance, SEO keywords help search engines understand the relevance of your products, attract more organic traffic to your website, and ultimately increase your chances of connecting with interested customers.

Related: Crucial SEO: Understanding Its Importance In Digital Marketing


In conclusion, product descriptions are a vital aspect of your online business that should not be overlooked. They tell stories, answer questions, and help you connect with your customers. Moreover, well-crafted product descriptions can significantly enhance your website’s visibility in search engine rankings, attracting more visitors to your online shop. 

Remember to give your product descriptions some love and attention. You can use the tips in this blog post to write really awesome ones. 

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