Why Do People Still Read Blogs in the Era of Short Videos and AI?

why do people still read blogs

You’ve probably heard or seen in the headlines of YouTube posts or videos that blogging is dead. Having short videos and AI makes finding information easy and fast in this day and age.

They just need to type keywords on Tiktok, and hundreds of short video search results will appear in front of them.

Additionally, AI, specially ChatGPT, can also be used to ask their questions and this intelligent chatbot will instantly provide them with complete answers.

There might seem to be no reason for people to read long blogs these days, considering the convenience of current technology.

However, this is not the case. In today’s post, I’ll show you that blogging continues to be in demand despite the advancements in technology.


11 Compelling Reasons Why Your Business Should Have A Blog

Is Blogging Dead In The Age Of AI?

People Read Blogs More Than You Think

do people still read blogs

All of the above scenarios above are just a part of Internet information consumers. According to Hubspot statistics at the beginning of 2023, more than 60% of internet users read blog posts in a week. Despite the rumor that blogging is dead, blogging still plays an important role in the online landscape and in many businesses’ long-term business strategies.

What Keeps People Still Interested in Reading Blogs

1. People need in-dept information

Blog articles always give readers the most necessary and complete information with a variety of different topics. They can delve into complex topics, offer comprehensive explanations, and provide supporting evidence or examples. Providing complete and authentic information is something short videos and AI often cannot do. 

2. Frequently updated information is important

AI cannot provide the most up-to-date information or answers. The AI model has not been taught or learned about things that have happened in the world after September 2021. This means, to be authentic and relevant to the times, we must find information from blogs that are constantly updated.

3. Easily control the pace of the reading

are blogs still relevant in 2023

Individuals can control how much information they consume by reading. During reading, they may pause to reflect, highlight important points, or go back and reread sections as needed. This level of control is not always possible in videos or chat conversations.

4. There are fewer distractions

It is common for videos to include visuals, background music, or other elements that can distract some people. Moreover, you will automatically be shown the next video after viewing one, keeping you constantly distracted. Therefore, reading a blog post eliminates these distractions and allows readers to focus solely on the text and presented information.

5. Many people simply prefer reading

In fact, not everyone likes to consume information by watching videos or asking AI. Many people simply prefer reading as their primary mode of consuming information. They may find it easier to concentrate, comprehend, and retain information when reading compared to watching videos or engaging in chat conversations.

Final Thoughts 

In light of the reasons above, it’s clear that blogging is still alive and kicking. It continues to cater to readers’ diverse needs and preferences, providing valuable and engaging content that complements the convenience of short videos and AI.

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