What Tone of Voice Should You Use in Your Website Copy?

tone of voice

In the business world today, having a website is a big deal. It’s like having your shop open all the time, your friendly helper, and your way of talking to people, all rolled into one. But there’s something very important hiding in your website that you might not pay much attention to, and that’s called “tone of voice.”

Why is this tone of voice thing so important? Because your website’s tone of voice is how your business talks to people on the internet. It’s the personality of your brand. 

If you get it right, it can make your business stand out from all the others online. It helps your business connect with people and show that you’re different from everyone else. But if you don’t do it right, your message might get lost or confused.

In this blog post, I’ll show you how to pick the right one for your business. We’ll look at different kinds of tones and give you some easy tips on how to use them on your website. 

When we’re done, you’ll know how to make your website sound just like your brand and talk to the people you want to reach.

What Is The Difference Between Brand Voice and Tone of Voice?

tone of voice vs. brand voice

Brand voice and tone of voice are two closely related but distinct concepts that play a crucial role in shaping a brand’s communication and messaging. They both contribute to creating a consistent and memorable brand identity, but they serve different purposes and are applied in different contexts.

1. Brand Voice

Brand voice is the overarching personality, character, and style of communication that a brand uses consistently across all its messaging and content. It serves as the foundation for how a brand expresses itself and how it wants to be perceived by its audience. Key characteristics of a brand voice include:

  • Personality traits: Brands often define their voice in terms of human attributes, such as friendly, authoritative, playful, professional, or empathetic.
  • Values and mission: The brand voice should align with the company’s core values and mission, reflecting what the brand stands for.
  • Target audience: The brand voice should resonate with the preferences, needs, and expectations of the target audience.
  • Consistency: Maintaining a consistent brand voice helps build brand recognition and trust among consumers.

Examples of brand voices might include:

  • Nike: Inspirational and motivational
  • Apple: Innovative and minimalist
  • Wendy’s: Witty and sassy

Related: 5 Strategies To Achieve A Consistent Brand Voice Across Your Website

2. Tone of Voice

Tone of voice is a subset of the brand voice, and it refers to the specific manner or attitude in which a brand communicates in different situations or contexts. While the brand voice remains consistent, the tone of voice can vary depending on the content, audience, and purpose of the communication. Tone of voice can be adjusted to convey emotions, convey urgency, or adapt to the specific needs of a given interaction. Key points about tone of voice include:

  • Adaptability: A brand can use different tones for different situations. For example, a customer service response might use a more empathetic tone, while a product announcement might be more enthusiastic.
  • Context-dependent: The tone should consider the context and the emotions or information being conveyed. It can range from formal and professional to informal and conversational.
  • Consistency within context: While tone can change, it should be consistent within a specific piece of communication or context.

Examples of tone of voice variations within a consistent brand voice might include:

  • A financial institution using a reassuring and informative tone for educational content and a friendly, approachable tone for social media engagement.
  • An entertainment company using an excited and enthusiastic tone for event promotions and a humorous and playful tone for customer feedback responses.

How to Determine Tone of Voice for Your Website

1. Know your target audience well

tone of voice examples

Understanding your target audience is super important for your business, especially when it comes to picking the right tone of voice for your website. You need to know these folks inside and out, like who they are, what keeps them up at night, and what words they use when they talk about their problems.

First off, you’ve got to speak their language. Not literally, but in a way that clicks with them. Here is how you can figure out what language they use: 

  • For product-based businesses: Imagine you’re selling awesome stuff like on Amazon or eBay. Those websites are goldmines because they have reviews from people just like your target audience. These reviews spill the beans on what people love and hate about products. Pay attention to the words they keep using. Use those words in your website copy, and your audience will think, “Wow, they really get me!” 
  • For service-based businesses: If you’re offering services, do a little detective work on Google or your favorite search engine. Search for the services you provide and check out the “People Also Ask” section. It’s a treasure trove of questions that people ask over and over again. Click on those suggested blogs and read them. You might not like your competitors but you should appreciate them because they have already done the heavy lifting for you. They did research for you and knew exactly what words your target audience uses and what problems they’re facing. They’ve created content tailored to these people.  So, swallow your pride and learn from them because they’ve hit the nail on the head. Their content ranks high on search engines for a reason. Incorporate these keywords naturally into your website copy to boost your SEO.

2. Using your audience’s language matters for SEO

When you use the same words and tackle the same problems that your audience cares deeply about. This kind of understanding not only helps you connect with your audience on a personal level through your website but also helps search engines understand your content better. Search engines reward relevant, audience-focused content with higher rankings in search results.

3. Understand your brand identity

Review your brand’s core values, mission statement, and unique selling points. What does your brand stand for, and what makes it distinct?

Identify the personality traits and characteristics that best represent your brand. Is your brand friendly, professional, playful, authoritative, innovative, or something else entirely?

4. Identify your brand’s voice

Based on your brand identity and target audience, articulate the overarching voice for your brand. This voice should remain consistent across all communication channels, including your website.

Use descriptive adjectives and keywords to define your brand’s voice. For example, if you want your brand to sound friendly and approachable, use words like “welcoming,” “conversational,” and “warm.”

5. Test and iterate

After defining your tone of voice, incorporate it into your website copy. Monitor user feedback, engagement metrics, and conversion rates to gauge its effectiveness.

Be open to making adjustments based on feedback and performance data. Your tone of voice may evolve as your brand grows and your audience changes.

What Tone of Voice You Should Use for Your Website Copy

1. Conversational and friendly

Use a conversational and friendly tone when you want to build a personal connection with your audience. Ideal for brands that want to appear approachable and relatable.

Example: Online retail (e.g., fashion, accessories, home decor), “Welcome to our cozy corner of the internet. Take a look around and discover how our handcrafted products can make your home feel warm and inviting. Got questions? Don’t hesitate to shoot us a message – we’re all ears!”

2. Professional and formal

A professional and formal tone is suitable for industries where expertise and credibility are crucial, such as law, finance, or healthcare. Use this tone when you want to convey authority and trustworthiness.

Example:Industry: Legal services. “With a heritage of excellence spanning three decades, our commitment to precision and professionalism sets us apart. Trust our seasoned legal experts for all your estate planning needs.”

3. Innovative and forward-thinking

If your brand is associated with innovation, creativity, or cutting-edge technology, use a tone that reflects these qualities. This tone can help establish your brand as a leader in your industry.

Example: Technology and software. “At [Tech Company Name], we don’t just follow trends; we set them. Our visionary approach to AI solutions ensures your business is always one step ahead in a rapidly evolving digital landscape.”

4. Educational and informative

When your goal is to provide valuable information and educate your audience, a tone that is clear, concise, and informative is appropriate. Often used for blog posts, articles, and how-to guides.

Example: Industry: Online education. “Dive into our comprehensive library of articles and guides on coding. We believe knowledge is power, and we’re here to empower you with insights, step-by-step tutorials, and expert advice.”

5. Playful and humorous

A playful and humorous tone can work well for brands targeting a younger, more lighthearted audience. Use this tone when you want to entertain and engage your audience.

Example: Mobile gaming.“Get ready to embark on a laughter-filled journey with us! Our games aren’t just fun; they’re hilarious adventures waiting to be explored. Join the party and level up the fun!”

6. Empathetic and compassionate

This tone is suitable for brands in fields like healthcare, nonprofit, or customer support. It conveys empathy and care for your audience’s needs and concerns.

Example: Healthcare and wellness. “We understand that health concerns can be daunting. That’s why our compassionate healthcare team is here to support you every step of the way on your journey to wellness.”

7. Sincere and authentic

Authenticity is valued by many consumers. A sincere tone is transparent and genuine. Use this tone when you want to build trust and credibility.

Example: Industry: Sustainable Fashion. “Our commitment to transparency is unwavering. We believe in being upfront about our sustainable practices because we value your trust and our planet’s health above all else.”

8. Urgent and action-oriented

If you want to encourage immediate action, use a tone that conveys urgency and excitement. Often used in sales and marketing copy, as well as calls to action.

Example: Industry: E-commerce (Flash Sales). “Don’t miss out on our 24-hour flash sale! Act now to unlock exclusive discounts on fashion, electronics, and more. Time is of the essence – grab your deals today!”


In the digital business landscape, your website is the window to your brand’s soul, and at the heart of it lies a hidden treasure: your “tone of voice.”

Your website’s tone of voice is its personality, the way it communicates with your audience. Get it right, and your brand shines amidst the online noise. 

We’ve explored the power of consistent tone of voice in your copywriting. It’s not just what you say but how you say it that matters. Whether you choose a conversational, professional, playful, or empathetic tone, make it real, make it yours, and wave goodbye to the “stuffy” and hello to genuine connection.

So, remember the magic lies in your word choice. Use it wisely to craft a website that speaks your brand’s truth, and watch it soar in the digital realm. Your website is your voice online – make it resonate.

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