10 Practical Tips to Write a Good Website Copy That Converts

10 Practical Tips to Write a Good Website Copy That Converts

This blog will give you 10 practical tips to write a good website copy that converts!

With the shift to online commerce and remote work, many businesses have realized the importance of having an online presence to reach a wider audience and remain competitive in today’s digital landscape. 

If you want to be successful online, having a website is crucial. According to Forbes Advisor, 71% of businesses have a website in 2023. A self-hosted website is a safety net for your business in the long run.

Unlike social media, where the rules keep changing, your website is something you own and control. It doesn’t change unpredictably.

Now, when you think about building a website, what’s the first thing that should come to mind? If you say website copy, you’re 100% correct! 

Content or copy on a website is a guide that dictates how your website is formed and how the design will be. A good website copy can attract your target audience and convert them into your customers or clients.

Recognizing the pivotal role of compelling website copy, throughout this blog, I’ll share with you tips that copywriters use to write persuasive website copy. 

And not stopping there, in each tip, I will give you some examples to easily understand and apply for your own business website.

Let’s dive right into it!

1. Know Your Target Audience

target audience is important when writing website copy

When you’re working on your website content, it’s crucial to know exactly who you’re trying to reach. It’s a common mistake to think that if you try to appeal to everyone, you’ll get more visitors and have a better chance of reaching people.

But the truth is the opposite. When businesses, especially small and medium ones, try to reach everyone, they often end up overwhelmed and confused about how to market themselves effectively.

In the world of business, the most important thing is to get people to understand the message you’re trying to send. If you’re trying to appeal to everyone, it’s nearly impossible to create a message that truly connects with anyone.

According to Marketing Evolution, a staggering $37 billion is wasted every year on ads that fail to engage the right audience.

That’s why narrowing down your target audience is the most important step when you start creating your website content. When you know your target audience well, you can create content that speaks directly to them in a language they understand. 

Moreover, it helps you reduce competition in the market and allows you to craft unique messages that stand out in your business.

You might be wondering, “How do I figure out who my target audience is?” Here are some simple ways:

  • Analyze your customers: Look at the people who already buy your product or service. How old are they? Where do they live? What are their interests?
  • Check out your competitors: See who your competitors are selling to and how they do it. You can learn a lot from them.
  • Use Google Analytics: This tool provides valuable data about the people visiting your website. It helps you understand where your target audience is coming from and what content they like the most.
  • Define who is not your target audience: Be specific about who your audience is and who it isn’t. Not everyone will be interested in what you offer, and that’s okay. This clarity allows your business to focus marketing efforts and dollars on the groups that are most likely to buy from you.


Example 1: Coffee shopExample 2: Online fitness program
Analyze customer demographics: By looking at your regular customers, you might find that they are mostly young professionals between the ages of 25 and 40 who live or work nearby. This information helps you tailor your menu, pricing, and ambiance to appeal to this specific group.Survey your participants: Conduct surveys or feedback forms to gather information about your program’s users. You might discover that the majority are stay-at-home parents seeking convenient, short workout sessions that fit into their busy schedules. This insight can help you create workout plans and content specifically designed for this group.
Social media insights: Monitoring your coffee shop’s social media engagement reveals that posts about specialty lattes, free Wi-Fi, and work-friendly spaces receive the most likes and comments. This insight guides your content strategy and marketing efforts to cater to the preferences of your target audience.Website analytics: By analyzing your website’s data, you find content ideas that related to quick home workouts and healthy family recipes receive the most views and engagement. Armed with this knowledge, you can prioritize these topics in your content strategy, attracting more like-minded individuals to your program.

2. Determine Your Website Tone of Voice

When it comes to branding and marketing, your website’s tone of voice is a crucial element. It’s how your brand talks to your audience through its messages and interactions with customers.

This tone of voice helps your business stand out from the competition and express your brand’s core values to your audience.

It’s important to note that brand voice and tone of voice are distinct. Brand voice represents your brand’s unique perspective and essentially, your brand’s personality.

On the other hand, your tone of voice focuses on how your brand communicates with your audience. This includes aspects like word choice, communication style, and the emotional tone conveyed in your website copy.
Here are some common types of tones you can consider for your website:

  • Formal: Use a formal tone when your brand needs to convey professionalism and authority. It’s suitable for industries like law or finance.
  • Informal: An informal tone is more relaxed and conversational. It’s great for creating a friendly and approachable image.
  • Humorous: Inject humor into your website’s tone to entertain and engage your audience. It’s effective for brands that want to be seen as fun and light-hearted.
  • Optimistic: Use an optimistic tone to inspire positivity and hope. This is valuable for brands focusing on well-being and personal growth.
  • Motivating: A motivating tone can push your audience to take action. It’s often used by fitness, coaching, or self-help websites.
  • Respectful: Show respect to your audience by using a polite and considerate tone. It’s crucial for customer service or advocacy websites.
  • Conversational: Opt for a conversational tone to create a sense of intimacy and connection with your audience. It’s popular in blogs and social media.

When it comes to figuring out the right tone of voice for your website, there are a few strategies you can follow:

  • Listen to your audience: Pay close attention to the words and language your target audience commonly uses. This can be gathered from customer feedback, social media conversations, or surveys. Understanding how your audience speaks and what resonates with them is a valuable starting point.
  • Analyze competitors: Take a look at businesses that offer similar services or products to your ideal customers. See how they communicate on their websites. This can provide insights into what tone of voice is effective within your industry or niche.
  • Don’t fear experimentation: If you’re uncertain about the ideal tone of voice, don’t hesitate to experiment. Try out a few different tones and assess how your audience responds. Sometimes, the best approach becomes evident through trial and error.


Example 1: Online educational platformExample 2: Financial consulting firm
Tone of voice: Informal and SupportiveTone of voice: Formal and Trustworthy
Your website copy could be:

“Struggling with math? Don’t worry, we’ve got your back! Math can be tough, but we’re here to make it fun and easy. Let’s dive into the world of numbers!”
Your website copy could be:

“At XYZ Financial Consultants, we take your financial future seriously. Our expert team of advisors is dedicated to providing you with the most reliable and up-to-date financial guidance. Rest assured, your investments are in safe hands.”

3. Your Website Copy Should Be Clear and Concise

when crafting web copy, it's best to make it short and concise

Unlike blog posts, where the content can be lengthy for SEO benefits, websites require a different approach as website copy can be more concise and focused.

With limited space, it’s crucial to keep your message straightforward and avoid confusing jargon or vague terms.

Furthermore, today’s online users lack patience; they want to quickly grasp what your business offers and how it can improve their lives. 

If visitors can’t understand your business within a few seconds, they might click away, potentially becoming lost customers. 

So, instead of long-winded paragraphs, opt for short, direct sentences. Consider using bullet points to present information visually and concisely.


Vague messageClear message
“Our cutting-edge solutions offer paradigm-shifting synergies for optimized performance in a dynamic digital landscape.”“Our advanced software boosts your website’s speed, making it load faster and attract more visitors.”
“Unlock unparalleled excellence with our transformative, revolutionary approach to holistic wellness.”“Improve your well-being with our yoga and meditation classes, designed to reduce stress and increase your overall health.”

4. Make Your Copy Customer-Centric

In the world of business, your customers or clients should be at the forefront of your focus, and your website copy should reflect this customer-centric approach. 

When people visit your website, they aren’t just searching for products or services; they’re seeking solutions to their own problems.

Related: Success Comes From Understanding Your Customers’ Problems

If your website copy doesn’t convey this customer-centered mindset, visitors may not connect with your brand and might leave. 

A simple way to check whether your copy prioritizes your business or your customers is to count certain words. Count how many times you use words like “us,” “we,” “our,” “our business,” or “our company” compared to words like “you,” “your,” “our clients,” or “our customers.”

Ideally, you should mention your customers or clients at least 3 to 4 times more than you talk about yourself or your business. Shifting your focus in this way will resonate better with your audience and encourage them to engage with your brand.


“Our real estate agency has been in the industry for 30 years. We have a wide range of properties for sale and rent.”“Looking for your dream home? X is here to make it happen. Let’s find the perfect property that suits your lifestyle and preferences.”
“Our gym is equipped with state-of-the-art machines and offers various fitness classes. Join us today for a healthier lifestyle.”“Are you ready to achieve your fitness goals? At FitZone, we’re committed to helping you succeed. Let’s work together to create a personalized fitness plan that fits your needs and schedule.”

5. Highlight Benefits, Not Just Features

highlighting the benefits your customers will get is a good way in crafting website content

First, let’s break down the difference between benefits and features. 

Benefits are the positive results or improvements that your customers will experience when they use your product or service. 

Features, on the other hand, are often technical details describing what your product or service can do.

People are more interested in how your offerings can improve their lives and solve their problems than in the technical details of what you’re selling. To create effective website copy, prioritize benefits over features. 

This doesn’t mean you should ignore features altogether; it means that you should start by showcasing the benefits and then highlight how the features make those benefits possible.

Also, remember to keep the language simple and avoid using complex technical jargon. Use easy-to-understand words so that even people without technical knowledge, but who need your products or services, can easily grasp how they can benefit from what you offer.


Example 1: SmartphoneExample 2: Fitness equipment
Feature-centric: “Our new smartphone has a quad-core processor, 128GB of storage, and a 16MP camera.”Feature-centric: “Our treadmill has a 3.5 HP motor, a 7-inch LCD screen, and 10 built-in workout programs.”
Benefit-centric: “Experience lightning-fast performance, store all your memories with ample space, and capture stunning photos with our new smartphone.”Benefit-centric: “Achieve your fitness goals faster with our powerful treadmill. Stay motivated and track your progress easily with a user-friendly LCD screen and a variety of workout programs.”

6. Harness Competitive Research

In today’s competitive landscape, many products or services similar to yours are already offered by competitors. The good news is that they’ve done a significant amount of market research, which can save you valuable time and effort.

Instead of starting from scratch, studying what your competitors are doing can be a valuable shortcut.

However, it’s crucial NOT to copy or mimic their exact ideas. Instead, use their strategies as inspiration to gain insights about your market and target audience.

Additionally, remember that your target audience also has their own stories and problems. If your competitors have already centered their messaging around a particular problem (let’s call it Problem X), consider addressing a different problem (Problem Y). 

There are plenty of resources available, such as Google and online forums like Reddit, Quora, or Facebook groups, to help you identify other issues your audience faces. This approach will help you stand out in the market while addressing the specific needs of your customers.


Example 1: Home security companiesExample 2: Meal delivery services
What Competitors Did: They promoted advanced alarm systems and surveillance cameras.What Competitors Did: They offered a variety of meal choices and dietary options.
Different Approach: Address the problem of family safety with a focus on personalized safety assessments and neighborhood watch programs.Different Approach: Tackle the problem of unhealthy eating with tailored meal plans designed to help customers achieve their health goals.

7. Be Honest and Be Yourself

creating trust is the most important in writing website copy

Trust forms the foundation of every relationship, including in business. People choose to buy from you because they believe in you, plain and simple.

To earn that trust, it’s crucial to be honest with your audience. Don’t be afraid to be yourself because your uniqueness sets you apart, even if you’re selling similar products or services as others.

Related: The Most Effective Ways To Create Trust-Building Content

Consider sharing your personal story on your “About” page. Explain your mission, what inspired you to start your business, and how you can help others achieve their goals in life. People want to connect with the individuals behind the brand. 

If they perceive you as an honest and warm human being, they’re more likely to engage with your business and become loyal customers or clients in the future.


Example 1: Self-promotion (Not Recommended)Example 2: Honesty and authenticity (Recommended)Example 3: Personal branding (Recommended)
“We are the absolute best in the industry, offering unparalleled quality and unbeatable prices. Our products are far superior to anything you’ll find elsewhere, and our services are unmatched. Trust us, we’re the experts!”“At our company, we’re dedicated to providing reliable products and services. While we may not claim to be the absolute best, we take pride in our commitment to quality and customer satisfaction. Our mission is to serve you honestly and transparently.”“Hi, I’m Sarah, the founder of ‘Sarah’s Sustainable Home.’ I created this business because I couldn’t find eco-friendly home products that really work. My mission is to offer you effective, sustainable solutions for a better home and planet.”

8. Strike the Right Balance Between Text and Visuals

Visuals are highly effective on website homepages and landing pages, where the goal is to capture the customer’s interest and encourage them to explore further. However, this doesn’t diminish the importance of text content on your website. 

Text content is crucial because it can be easily indexed by search engines, helping your site rank for targeted keywords.

Long blocks of text can overwhelm and bore visitors, so it’s important to break it up. Conversely, a website filled solely with images or videos, lacking explanatory text, can leave visitors confused.

Achieving the right balance between words and visuals is key to providing an engaging and informative online experience.


Example 1: Travel websiteExample 2: E-commerce fashion website
On a travel website, you might showcase stunning destination images on the homepage to capture visitors’ attention and spark their wanderlust. However, for each destination, you include concise but informative text snippets that highlight key attractions, local culture, and travel tips.An e-commerce fashion website often relies on high-quality product images to entice shoppers. However, alongside each product image, there are clear and concise descriptions, including details about the material, sizing, and style. 

9. Enhance Credibility with Quotes, Stats, Data, and Testimonials

Boosting your website’s credibility and authority is vital, and you can do this effectively by incorporating quotes, statistics, original data, and testimonials into your web content.

These elements enhance the persuasiveness of your points and bolster your credibility. For instance, you can display relevant statistics, data, or testimonials directly on your homepage to immediately build trust with visitors. 

If there’s a particular quote that holds personal significance, share it on your “About Me” page and explain why it’s meaningful to you. This provides insight into your personal story and fosters a stronger connection between you, your writing, and your audience.


Example 1: Health and wellness websiteExample 2: Financial planning website
Data: Over the past five years, 85% of readers who consistently followed your exercise routines reported improved fitness levels (line graph).Subscribers to your healthy eating newsletter have steadily grown with a 20% annual increase (bar chart).Positive health outcomes reported by readers include 45% experiencing weight loss, 30% reporting reduced stress, and 25% enjoying better sleep (pie chart).Data:Average annual returns on investments for clients over the past decade have been 9.5% (table).Retirement savings accounts for clients have shown consistent growth, with a 15% increase in portfolio value year-over-year (line graph).Client portfolios are well-diversified, with 40% in stocks, 30% in bonds, 20% in real estate, and 10% in cash (bar chart).
Quote: On your “About” page, you could include a quote from a renowned nutritionist or fitness expert: “As Jane Doe, a leading nutritionist, once said, ‘Good health starts with informed choices.’ This quote reflects our mission to empower our readers with the knowledge they need for a healthier lifestyle.”Quote: On the “About Me” page, you might share a personal favorite quote like, “Warren Buffett’s words, ‘The stock market is a device for transferring money from the impatient to the patient,’ guide our approach to financial planning.” This quote illustrates your philosophy and connection to the financial world.

10. Create Clear Call-to-Action (CTA)

a clear call to action is essential in crafting website copy

Clear call-to-action buttons, or CTAs, are essential on your website because they tell visitors what to do next in a straightforward way. When CTAs are clear, people know exactly what action to take, reducing any confusion. 

This improves the user experience, making it easier for visitors to find what they’re looking for and increasing the chances of them completing the desired action, such as signing up or making a purchase. 

Clear CTAs can also improve your website’s search engine ranking because they often include keywords that match what users are searching for. So, use clear, easy-to-understand words in your CTAs to guide your audience effectively.


Unclear CTAsClear CTAs
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In conclusion, conversion rate is the ultimate goal of effective copywriting. Learning how to write copy that addresses the pain points of your target audience with persuasive content is essential for successful digital marketing and optimization on search engines. 

By tailoring your message to resonate with your audience, you can significantly enhance your website’s performance in the realm of conversion optimization. So, you can apply these tips, write a web copy that speaks to your audience’s needs, and watch your online presence thrive in the world of content marketing.

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