Is Blogging Dead in the Age of AI?

Is Blogging Dead in the Age of AI?

The idea that “blogging is dead” has been around for a while, and now, with the rise of AI, this notion has gained even more attention. 

This is especially true for new businesses and aspiring writers who wonder if blogging is still worth their time.

In this blog, we’re going to tackle this question head-on.

We’ll dig into why some people believe that blogging is fading away and, more importantly, we’ll uncover the reality. 

Is blogging truly losing its significance, or is it actually adapting and growing stronger even in the era of AI?

Let’s get into it right now!

Related: 20 Common Blogging Myths That Stop You From Starting And Growing

Why Do Many People Think that Blogging Is Dead?

1. Google is bias for big companies’ blogs

is blogging dying

In the past, when people used Google to search, they often found smaller independent blogs in the search results. 

But things have changed. Nowadays, when you search, you’re more likely to see bigger websites at the top. This shift has made it difficult for smaller blogs to gain attention.

This is why many people think that there’s limited space for them to thrive with their blogs. 

It’s like a crowded room where the big voices stand out, and the smaller ones struggle to be heard.

2. The internet now is flooded with generic AI content

The rise of AI, including advanced models like ChatGPT, has transformed the landscape of content creation.

It’s true. Content generation has become more accessible and convenient, thanks to AI technology.

Unfortunately, some individuals, including lazy writers and profit-driven businesses, have turned to AI to create content without any human touch.

This trend has its consequences. Small to medium businesses, often constrained by limited marketing teams and budgets, used to produce 1-4 blogs per week. 

Related: Blogging Sweet Spot: How Often Should You Post On Your Blog?

However, now they can offload all their writing tasks to AI, using simple prompts without investing time in thoughtful content creation.

This allows them to publish 1 blog or even multiple blogs every day.

The result? The internet is now flooded with content that lacks uniqueness and quality, which has caused some people to lose interest in reading blogs like they used to.

3. It’s the era of overflowing content

is blogging going to be dead in 2023?

As mentioned earlier, the ease of generating content with AI has led to an abundance of similar-sounding articles.

According to the First Site Guide, the internet is overflowing with blogs and posts. Every day, around 7 million new posts are published online.

Creating content has become a lucrative career choice, with many aspiring writers joining the field. This has resulted in a surge of bloggers and writers on the internet. 

However, this surge in content creation has led to a majority of articles being generic and resembling each other.

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4. People now prefer watching videos over reading blogs

In today’s digital landscape, people find enjoyment in watching videos and listening to podcasts rather than slogging through written blogs.

As the popularity of videos and podcasts grows, this form of consuming information has become a favorite among many. The beauty of these formats lies in their flexibility. 

While tuning into a video or podcast, people can effortlessly engage in other tasks like replying to emails, chatting with friends, gaming, studying, or working.

In contrast, reading blogs requires undivided attention, preventing multitasking. This has led to the perception that spending time reading blogs is less efficient and hampers productivity. 

As a result, people are leaning towards video and audio content to align with their multitasking lifestyles.

Here’s Proof That Blogging Still Matters in the AI Era

Let’s dive into some clear facts about the world of blogging, showing why it’s still a big deal in today’s digital landscape.

  • Around 29% of marketers use a blog on their website to catch potential customers and turn them into leads.
  • In the year 2023, a solid 88% of people plan to keep investing in blogs or even spend more.
  • In a survey by HubSpot, 56% of consumers said they bought something from a company after reading its blog.
  • Marketers know blogs are great for lead generation, with 76% using them for this purpose, as found by
  • A big 77% of people who use the internet read blogs regularly, according to Social Media Today.
  • Blogs get results too with 80% of bloggers seeing positive outcomes from their efforts, as reported by Orbit Media.
  • When bloggers post two to six times a week, they’re 50% more likely to see strong results, as seen in Orbit Media’s findings.
  • And when people buy things, 44% of them consume three to five pieces of content before they even think about getting in touch with a seller, according to the Demand Gen Report.

Reasons Why Blogging Is Still Relevant

1. Google definitely has its biases, but not for big businesses only

is blogging dead after ChatGPT and Bard by Google

Google might seem like a mystery, but it doesn’t favor big businesses over others.

There’s no concrete proof that Google manually selects certain web pages.

So, saying the algorithm is rigged isn’t entirely true.

However, Google’s ranking system considers things like keywords, content length, trustworthiness, and page loading speed. 

It also avoids promoting false or harmful content. In essence, Google values content that genuinely benefits users.

This means blogs, whether they come from individuals, small businesses, or big corporations, can all thrive. 

As long as they provide value, offer quality for readers, and stick to a regular publishing schedule to build their website’s credibility, they can earn a high rank on Google’s search results.

2. Internet readers now prioritize the quality of blogs 

In the world of information overload, the internet is overflowing with all sorts of content – some good, some not so good.

However, nowadays,  readers are paying more attention to one thing: quality.

Modern readers aren’t easily fooled. They can tell the difference between good content and stuff that doesn’t make sense. 

When they stumble upon a blog that doesn’t meet their expectations or doesn’t give them anything useful, they quickly move on. 

This tells Google that the content isn’t up to scratch.

As a result, Google adjusts its rankings to highlight content that’s more valuable and relevant content that matches what readers are actually looking for.

While the internet might seem like a mix of contrasting content, it’s important to remember that both low-quality and high-quality articles coexist. 

As consumers, we retain the choice to engage with content that resonates with us and disregard the rest.

Google is kind of like us in that way – it wants to make sure that the content it shows us is worth our time.

3. Many people still love reading blogs and it helps sharpen our concentration

are blogs dead

When you read a blog, you’re giving it your full attention.

Unlike trying to do multiple things at once, reading a blog requires you to concentrate on the words and ideas on the screen. 

You can’t read a blog while checking your social media or doing something else.

This focused way of reading actually benefits your brain. Your brain works best when you’re focused on one task at a time. 

An article on Forbes explains why single-tasking makes you smarter. It says that the human brain isn’t designed to handle many things at once. 

Multitasking make you switch between tasks quickly, which isn’t just a bit inconvenient. It can actually harm your brain. 

Studies show that multitasking can use up your brain’s resources and even increase the levels of cortisol, the stress hormone.

This stress can affect your memory and how sharp your mind is.

This is where reading blogs comes in. When you read a blog, you’re giving your brain what it likes – a single task to focus on. 

This helps your brain stay concentrated and productive in the long run, without any negative effects.

Related: Why Do People Still Read Blogs In The Era Of Short Videos And AI?

Wrapping Up: Blogging’s Continued Importance

The idea that blogging has been dead is something that’s been around for a while. 

It can be confusing and disheartening for many people, especially for new writers and businesses trying to make their mark by blogging.

There are reasons that sound convincing at first, but when we look at the facts and figures from reliable sources, it becomes clear that blogging is alive and well.

Most people on the internet still read blogs on a regular basis.

Moreover, businesses are recognizing how valuable blogs are in their marketing strategies. 

They understand that well-crafted blog posts bring value to readers and help their businesses grow.

So, in conclusion, the myth that blogging is no longer relevant is just that – a myth.

Blogs continue to play an important role, and they’re not going anywhere anytime soon.

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