11 Reasons Why Email Marketing Is Essential for Your Business Growth

email marketing is essential

This blog will explain why email marketing is essential for your business growth!

You might have heard some say that email marketing is dead, but that’s far from reality. In fact, email marketing is still a highly profitable tool that doesn’t experience as many changes as other social media platforms.

Every day, 347.3 billion emails are sent and received and that’s a 4.3% increase from the previous year. 

And it’s not stopping there. Looking ahead to 2024, experts predict an even bigger number, hitting a remarkable 361.6 billion emails.

Almost everybody, about 99%, checks their email every single day. Some people look at their email up to 20 times in one day. Right when they wake up, 58% of those people start their day by checking their email.

In business, when we talk about return on investment (ROI), email marketing truly shines. On average, 1 dollar invested in email marketing generates an impressive return of $44

With all these facts, it’s clear that email marketing is a smart choice. Email marketing holds true value whether your business is big  or if you’re just starting out.

 In this blog, we’ll look at reasons why email marketing is so important for your business and why you should invest into it. 

Related: 4 Email Marketing Secrets For Growing Your Business

1. Emails Boost Your Brand Awareness 

why email marketing is important in 2023

Creating brand awareness is a big deal, whether you’re a new business or working on growing. When people recognize and understand your brand,  they’re more likely to become your customers.

Emails are crafted in a way that keeps your brand in focus. Your logo pops up, and the colors match your brand, making it clear this email is all about you. 

The design reflects your brand style, and your signature adds a personal yet professional touch from your business. 

Right from the moment they open the email, your readers know it’s from you – and that makes a strong impression. 

This way, emails can be a powerful marketing strategy to help people remember your brand.

2. Emails Build Strong Relationship and Trust

Using emails to connect and build trust with your customers can make a big difference. When you personalize your emails and understand your audience, it goes a long way in creating lasting relationships.

Research shows that personalization can lead to more people opening them (82%), higher CTR – Clickthrough rate (75%), and increased customer satisfaction (58%).

People love feeling special. When you use their first name at the beginning of your email, it feels like you’re talking directly to them. It makes them feel important and taken care of by your business.

And one more thing you should do is to share helpful and valuable stuff in your emails. This makes your business a go-to place for reliable info and strengthens your bond with your audience.

3. Emails Beats Other Social Media Channels

why email marketing is important for business

When it comes to being better than other social media channels, emails take the lead. 

77% of B2B buyers actually like getting emails more than any other way of getting in touch.

For B2B businesses, email marketing is the top choice – a huge 84% of them use it. 

Here’s how email marketing compares to other things they do:

  • Social media and ads: 75%
  • Blogging and sharing content: 69%
  • SEO (showing up on Google): 60%
  • Going to shows and events: 54%

Furthermore, 29% of marketers think email marketing is the best at getting results. That’s more than what they think about social media (25%), SEO (22%), and sharing content (25%).

Putting all these numbers together, it’s clear that emails are the winners. They do better than a lot of other ways when it comes to getting good stuff for your business. 

4. Emails Can Boost Sales for Your Business

Your email campaigns can be crafted to encourage people to make a purchase. Your email campaigns can show off products or services, remind people to buy things left in their cart, or even share special deals with your customers.

In fact, according to Luisa Zhou, 60% of people end up buying things after receiving a marketing email.

Let’s dive into some more interesting info: According to Kathy Bennett Marketing:

  • About 59% of people say marketing emails play a big role in their buying decisions.
  • Even 59% of marketers say email gives them the best return on their investment.
  • Marketers who use targeted campaigns (sending different emails to different groups) can make up to 760% increase in their revenue.

5. Automated Emails Can Save Your Precious Time

why email marketing is important for small business

You might have noticed that other things like blog posts or social media need constant updating to reach more people. But the beauty of emails is they can be automated, and that’s a major time-saver

Around 81% of companies are using marketing automation. When they use special software for this, they could see a remarkable 451% increase in leads.

Here’s how you can use email automation: 

  • You can set up welcome emails to say hi new subscribers automatically.
  • You can make emails and decide when they should be sent – even ahead of time.
  • You can have emails sent automatically to remind customers about things they left behind in their online shopping cart.

6. Emails Are More Affordable Than Traditional Marketing

Do you know how businesses did marketing before emails? It was all about print ads, direct mail, and those old phone calls. You might still see some of that around today.

Luckily, in today’s business world, email marketing has arrived – and it’s way more budget-friendly. 

Unlike other traditional approaches, like direct mail that needs designers, printing, and postage, email marketing starts with a low upfront cost. And , the return on investment (ROI) is also much better. 

According to Sender, if a mid-size business handles their own email marketing, it might cost them anywhere from $9 to $1,000 per month (it depends on the platform and how many subscribers they have). If they team up with an agency, it could be around $500 per month. That’s really affordable!

Furthermore, emails travel super fast to your customers, unlike direct mail that takes ages. This means your customers can share your emails with their friends and family with just a click – it’s that quick.

7. Emails Are Easily Measurable 

importance of email marketing in digital marketing

Most email marketing tools let you see what’s happening after you send out your email campaign. 

This helps you understand how your email plans are doing. You can figure out which ones need a little fix or maybe it’s time to say goodbye to some. 

Email marketing takes care of the math and measurements for you. Most email marketing tools show you really key info like:

  • How often your emails get opened
  • How many times people click on things
  • Reports showing if your emails got delivered
  • The percent of folks who clicked
  • Where your emails got opened 
  • What people used to open your emails

8. Your List, Your Control

Search engines and social media platforms change their algorithms now and then to make them better for users. 

But these changes can sometimes affect where you show up in search results or how much people see you on social media.

But don’t worry! If you have a strong list of emails, you’re in good shape and you can control your list the way you want. 

You’ll have a direct way to talk to your leads and customers. You can let them know about the latest news and updates from your company. 

No matter what’s happening with search engines or social media, you’re in control of your own communication. 

9. Emails Increase Your Website Traffic

benefits of email marketing

When you create a new blog post, you want people to read it, right? 

That is where emails can help you do that.

For example, if you have an email list with about 1,000 subscribers and around 10.5% of them click on your email, that’s over 100 people checking out your blog post.

So, with emails, more people can see your blog posts and visit your website. 

10. Emails Help Collect Feedback and Surveys

Emails can help you collect feedback and do surveys. Feedback from your customers is like having a secret recipe for growing your business.

On the flip side, feedback and surveys also let you connect with the people on your list. When they feel involved, they’re more likely to buy from you (again).

If the people on your list share their thoughts about what you offer, especially if they share lots of details, that’s a valuable resource. You can use what they say to make content that speaks right to them.

It’s like having a box of ready-to-go ideas for your marketing. That way, you save time on researching and always have fresh stuff to help your content marketing grow.

11. Emails Help Reach the Widest of Audience

email marketing examples

In 2023, there are about 7.33 billion mobile phone users worldwide, which is around 91.04% of the entire global population.

And here’s the interesting part: About 61.9% of all emails are opened on mobile devices. This means that if you use email marketing, you’re taking advantage of the growing popularity of mobile devices.

People keep an eye on their emails all the time. They spend around 5 hours every day checking their emails, whether it’s for work or personal stuff.

By using emails, you’re consistently staying in front of your audience. You become a regular presence, making sure your business is top-of-mind whenever they need something.

Final Thoughts

In the world of changing marketing methods, one thing stands strong: Email marketing. 

Email marketing isn’t going away anytime soon. More and more people use emails every day, making it a vital way to reach your audience.

Building an email list is like planting seeds for your business. It’s a wise choice that helps your business grow and builds trust with your audience over time.

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