Pest Control: Marketing Strategies and 100 SEO Keywords

pest control marketing strategies

This post is all about providing the most effective pest control marketing strategies and 100 SEO keywords to boost your business!

Pests are a problem in housing units across the country but are most prevalent among households with lower incomes and in housing units with structural problems and water leaks. The presence of pests raises public health concerns, making pest control services an ever-present demand in America. 

In this blog, I’ll share with you 7 effective marketing strategies and 100 SEO keywords that you can use to boost your pest control business.

Statistics and Facts

  • The United States pest control industry has grown by 2.8% in the last five years. More than 27,000 pest control businesses are currently in operation, and the industry is projected to generate $17.4 billion in revenue by 2023.
  • On average, Americans spend $575 per year on pest control services to protect their homes from various pests.
  • A staggering 95% of pest control professionals report treating apartments and condominiums for bed bugs, highlighting the prevalence of this issue.
  • Surprisingly, mosquitos are responsible for close to 800,000 deaths each year, making them more dangerous than predators like sharks, alligators, and snakes combined.
  • More than 40,000 people fall victim to rat bites each year, leading to diseases such as leptospirosis, trichinosis, the plague, salmonella, and rat bite fever.
  • According to the United States Census Bureau, About 14 million of the approximately 124 million occupied housing units in the United States reported seeing roaches in their homes during the last 12 months. Additionally, nearly 14.8 million reported seeing rodents, including mice or rats, underscoring the persistent issue of pest infestations in homes across the country.

7 Effective Marketing Strategies for Pest Control

1. Have a website

pest control marketing ideas

In today’s digital age, having a strong online presence is a fundamental component of successful marketing, and this holds true for pest control businesses as well. More and more people are turning to the internet to search for various services, including pest control. 

According to Demand Sage, as of 2023, there are a staggering 5.3 billion internet users worldwide. This means that over 65% of the world’s population now has access to the internet.

Seroundtable reports that 46% of all searches on Google include local services or local businesses. People are actively seeking to find the nearest cafe, order food, or check the opening hours of businesses in their area.

Given these trends, having a website for your pest control business is not just beneficial; it’s essential. Here’s why:

Increased visibility

A well-optimized website helps your business be easily found by potential customers. When someone searches for pest control services in your area, having a website increases your chances of appearing in search results. This visibility can significantly boost your customer base.

Informative resource

Your website serves as a hub of information about your business. Prospective customers can learn more about what your business offers, your service areas, and how your pest control services work. Providing comprehensive information instills confidence in potential clients.


Research shows that 56% of customers don’t trust a business without a website.

So, if you own a small business and don’t have a website yet, this is a big chance for you to make your business grow fast. Think of it as an easy opportunity where you can make your business bigger without needing to work really hard or spend a lot of money.

Just by creating a website for your business, you can put it online, and that will make your business look more reliable.

Ownership and control

While social media platforms and online directories are useful for marketing, you don’t own these platforms. What happens if your account is locked or removed for unforeseen reasons? You risk losing everything you’ve built on that platform. In contrast, with a self-hosted website, you have more control and security. You own your website, and you can share any content you want without being at the mercy of algorithm changes or platform restrictions.

Easy accessibility

A website makes it simple for people in need of your pest control services to find your business. Whether they’re searching on a desktop computer or using a mobile device on the go, your website ensures accessibility, making it convenient for potential customers to reach out to you.

2. Have a blog

pest control marketing strategy

I cannot emphasize enough how important it is to have a blog. This applies to all businesses, including pest control.

As a part of your digital marketing strategy, it’s crucial to create top-notch content that educates and informs your customers. This content can lead visitors to your pest control company website. The ultimate goal of digital marketing is to make more people notice your brand and become aware of your small business.

Related: 11 Compelling Reasons Why Your Business Should Have A Blog

If you maintain a blog that regularly publishes new content, you have the potential to attract organic traffic to your company website and turn these visitors into leads and customers.

Blog ideas for pest control: 

  • How much does pest control cost?
  • Which is the best pest control for home?
  • How can you make your house pest free?
  • How often should you pest control your house?
  • What attracts pests to your home?
  • What smells do pests hate?
  • What time of year is best for pest control?
  • Is pest control worth it?
  • What are the negatives of pest control?

These are some of the most commonly asked questions among prospective customers. By addressing these questions in your blog content, you can build trust with your audience and demonstrate your expertise.

Don’t shy away from discussing potential negatives—being honest with your readers is key to building lasting trust. Over time, this trust will prove invaluable in strengthening your relationship with your customers, which is vital for the success of your pest control business.

3. Focus on SEO

pest control marketing examples

SEO, or Search Engine Optimization, is the cornerstone of all digital marketing efforts. It plays a crucial role in helping search engines like Google understand what your business is all about and making it easy for people to find you online. When you do SEO effectively, you gain a significant advantage over your competitors in the digital landscape.

Related: Crucial SEO: Understanding Its Importance In Digital Marketing

SEO encompasses four key aspects: on-page SEO, off-page SEO, technical SEO, and local SEO. These aspects work in harmony to enhance the visibility of your pest control website in search engine results and attract interested visitors to your website.

On-Page SEO

On-page SEO involves optimizing both the content and technical elements of a web page. To excel in on-page SEO, you’ll want to start with keyword research.

Here’s a specific example of on-page SEO for the main website of a pest control company:

Example: the homepage for pest control services

  • Page title: The homepage should have a clear and concise page title that includes essential keywords. For instance, “Your Trusted Pest Control Experts in [Your Location].” This title incorporates the primary keyword “pest control” and emphasizes your location for local SEO.
  • Meta description: Craft a meta description that briefly describes your pest control services and highlights your unique selling points. For example, “We provide safe and effective pest control solutions for homes and businesses in [Your Service Area]. Get rid of pests with our experienced team.”
  • Header tags: Use header tags (H1, H2, H3, etc.) to structure your content and include relevant keywords. The main headline (H1) could be “Expert Pest Control Services,” with subheadings (H2) for specific services like “Termite Extermination” and “Rodent Removal.”
  • Keyword placement: Incorporate keywords naturally throughout the content. For instance, within the homepage text, you can mention phrases like “professional pest control,” “extermination services,” and “pest removal” where they fit naturally.
  • Image alt text: If your homepage includes images, ensure that the alt text for each image is descriptive and includes relevant keywords. For a picture of your team, the alt text could be “Experienced Pest Control Team in [Your Location].”

Off-Page SEO

Off-page SEO refers to all the strategies and actions you take outside of your website to improve its search engine ranking. 

Off-page SEO plays a vital role in enhancing your website’s authority and credibility in the eyes of search engines. It’s all about building relationships and connections with other online platforms and audiences, which can lead to increased visibility and, ultimately, more potential customers finding your pest control services.

Key elements of off-page SEO include building backlinks (links from other websites pointing to your site) and increasing engagement and shares on social media.

To optimize your off-page SEO efforts for your pest control business, you can produce high-quality, informative, and valuable content for your audience.

Long-form blog posts and videos can work exceptionally well in attracting attention from other websites and social media. When other websites recognize the value in your content, they may link to it or share it on social media platforms, helping you build valuable backlinks over time.

Local SEO

For most pest control companies and businesses, local SEO is super important. It’s a strategy that optimizes your website to rank high in searches specific to a geographic area. 

When you implement local SEO effectively, Google will automatically prioritize your business, making it more likely to show up in local pack listings and search queries by potential pest control clients nearby.

One essential aspect of succeeding at local SEO is leveraging online reviews, particularly focusing on garnering more positive reviews. Why are reviews so important? Because review ratings are the biggest drivers of clicks on local search engine results pages. Customers look for social proof when choosing a business.

Research shows that a staggering 81% of internet users report that they are likely to check Google Reviews before they visit a business in person.

The quality and quantity of reviews, including how you handle negative reviews, in your local listings can significantly impact your success. Positive reviews can bring in more leads, while a lack of reviews or poorly managed negative reviews can push potential customers toward your local competition.

Technical SEO

Technical SEO plays a crucial role in determining how well your website performs on Google and other search engines. 

Even if your content is exceptional, if certain pages on your website aren’t accessible to search engines, they won’t appear in search results. This can result in missed opportunities for valuable website traffic and potential revenue for your pest control business.

Two essential technical aspects that Google considers when ranking websites are:

  • Page speed: If your website takes more than 3 seconds to load, approximately 53% of visitors may decide to leave. Slow-loading pages can lead to user frustration, causing them to abandon your site. These user behaviors can signal to Google that your website doesn’t provide a positive user experience, potentially leading to lower rankings.
  • Mobile-Friendliness: In today’s digital landscape, mobile devices play a significant role in online searches. A report from Hitwise reveals that nearly 60% of all online searches are now conducted on mobile devices, with some sectors. This underscores the importance of ensuring that your website is mobile-friendly to provide easy access to your content for users on smartphones and tablets.

4. Use email marketing

pest control marketing company

Email marketing is a valuable tool for your pest control business, much like having a website. Email marketing allows you to stay in direct contact with your audience, nurturing leads, and maintaining customer relationships. It’s a cost-effective and efficient way to reach your target audience and can play a significant role in the growth of your pest control business.

Related: 11 Reasons Why Email Marketing Is Essential For Your Business Growth

What makes email marketing even more appealing is its impressive Return on Investment (ROI). According to Mailmodo, email marketing has an average ROI of $42 for every $1 spent. Its effectiveness lies in the fact that it reaches customers where they visit daily—their inbox.

Here are some different types of email marketing campaigns that can benefit your pest control business:

  • Welcome emails: Welcome emails serve as a warm thank-you to recipients for signing up to your mailing list. They can be part of a well-planned email sequence designed to gradually convert the reader into a customer.
  • Newsletters: Newsletters are a great way to keep your subscribers informed about your latest services, company updates, or industry news. They help maintain engagement and keep your brand top-of-mind.
  • Promotional emails: Promotional emails are designed for selling your pest control services or offering discounts to your subscribers. They can be particularly compelling in driving conversions and increasing revenue.
  • Gift emails: Offering recipients valuable free content like eBooks or guides in gift emails can be an effective strategy. These resources showcase your expertise and provide value to your audience.

5. Be on social media

target audience for pest control

Once you have your website, blog, and email marketing in place, it’s time to consider being active on social media platforms. Social media can be a powerful tool for building brand awareness and engaging with your audience, although it can feel overwhelming due to the need for consistent posting.

It’s important to note that social media posts have a different lifespan compared to blog posts. While blog content can remain on your website and search engines for an extended period, social media posts tend to have a shorter shelf life. New posts can quickly push older ones out of view.

However, despite this fast-paced nature, social media offers numerous advantages for your pest control business when managed effectively:

  • Social media platforms provide opportunities to gain media coverage. Sharing your expertise, success stories, and engaging content can attract the attention of local media outlets, enhancing your brand’s visibility.
  • Positive customer reviews are crucial for your online reputation. Social media platforms allow customers to leave reviews, which can boost your credibility and trustworthiness.
  • You can use social media to effectively promote new pest control services and products. Highlight their benefits, share customer testimonials, and create buzz within your community.
  • Social media platforms serve as channels to drive traffic to your pest control industry website. Sharing blog posts, special offers, and informative content can lead interested users to your site.

6. Create short videos

pest control sales strategy

Short videos have gained immense popularity in recent times, capturing the attention of people across various platforms. In fact, according to The Leap, 73% of consumers prefer watching short-form videos to learn about products or services.

Short-form videos are appealing because they are concise and snackable, making them easy to consume in bite-sized portions. This convenience allows people to watch them on the go, whether during a break or while waiting.

Short videos are very easy to digest. Instead of requiring viewers to commit to watching lengthy content for 10 minutes or more, short-form videos provide information swiftly. This quick delivery helps viewers get the information they need without a significant time investment.

Short videos are also highly shareable. Viewers can easily share them with friends, family, or colleagues, increasing their potential reach.

You can use short videos to showcase your pest control services, highlight success stories, or provide quick tips for pest prevention. These videos can effectively introduce your business and what sets you apart.

You can also use them to educate your audience about pest control methods, share insights about common pests, or explain the benefits of your services. 

7. Embrace referral marketing

pest control business plan

Referral programs are a widespread and effective strategy in the business world. They involve encouraging your existing clients to promote your pest control services. When executed correctly, referral marketing can be a top-tier move in your marketing arsenal.

A successful referral marketing program should incorporate appropriate rewards to motivate your clients to refer others to your business. Consider offering enticing rewards, such as:

  • Free pest control prevention treatment: You can offer a free or discounted pest control prevention treatment to clients who refer others to your services. This not only benefits the referrer but also provides an excellent first experience for the new client.
  • Discounts: Providing discounts on future pest control services can be a compelling incentive for both the referrer and the referred client. It encourages repeat business and builds loyalty.

Here’s what makes referral marketing a fantastic strategy:

  • Encouraging word-of-mouth: When your satisfied clients refer their friends, family, or colleagues to your pest control business, they’re essentially vouching for your services. Word-of-mouth recommendations carry significant weight and trust, making them highly valuable.
  • Positive first impressions: By offering rewards to both the referrer and the referred client, you create a win-win scenario. The referrer feels appreciated, and the new client starts their journey with your business on a positive note, which is crucial for building lasting relationships.
  • Cost-effective growth: Referral marketing is cost-effective because you’re leveraging your existing client base to bring in new business. It minimizes the need for extensive advertising budgets while fostering customer loyalty.

Download The List of 100 SEO Keywords


I hope you found this blog on pest control marketing ideas helpful in growing your business in the local market. Establishing a professional online presence through a website is crucial, ensuring your pest control services are easily discoverable through Google search. 

Content marketing plays a key role in engaging your audience by addressing common pest-related concerns, while active participation in social media marketing helps build brand awareness and local community connections. Effective SEO practices ensure that your business prominently appears in local search results. Utilizing email marketing is an additional tool to nurture leads, maintain customer relationships, and foster growth in the competitive pest control market.

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