Beyond Words: What Does a Copywriter Do Exactly?

what does a copywriter do exactly

This blog will answer your questions about copywriters like β€˜Who is a copywriter?’ and β€˜What does a copywriter do exactly?’

You’ve probably come across the terms “copywriter” or “copywriting,” especially when businesses began shifting to the online world due to the COVID-19 pandemic. This change created a strong demand for copywriters.

Now, in the age of AI, there’s talk about whether machines will replace copywriters. Some believe that writers, especially copywriters, might lose their jobs because businesses can use AI to create content without the need for expensive human copywriters.

In this blog post, we’ll explore who copywriters are, what they do, and whether AI is truly a threat to their jobs. 

Who Is a Copywriter?

who is a copywriter

To understand who a copywriter is, let’s first clarify what “copywriting” means (not to be confused with “copyright”). 

Copywriting is a content strategy focused on persuading the reader to take a specific action. Anytime you come across words from a business, whether it’s an advertisement, a website, an email, a brochure, or a social media post – all those words are what we call “copy.” And a copywriter is the person responsible for writing this copy.

Traditionally, copywriters used to work in advertising agencies or as part of a company’s marketing team.Β 

But things have changed, and more copywriters now choose to work independently as freelancers. Copywriting is well-suited for remote work because much of the work can be done solo, either in a home office or wherever the writer prefers.

What Skills Does a Copywriter Need?

what skills does a copywriter need

Copywriters need a unique set of skills to excel in their role. Here’s what these skills entail:

  • Creativity: Creativity allows copywriters to make their content compelling, engaging, and memorable, ultimately driving readers to take the desired action. In essence, creativity is the heart of effective copywriting, breathing life into words to capture and hold the audience’s attention.
  • Language skills: Good language skills are essential. This doesn’t mean using complex vocabulary, but rather knowing how to craft words that engage and resonate with readers.
  • Understanding consumer psychology: Copywriters should have a grasp of consumer psychology and know how to apply it in their content. Understanding what motivates people to take action is key to success.
  • Adaptability: Every brand has its unique voice and message. Copywriters need the ability to ask the right questions and adapt their writing to match the brand’s identity effectively.
  • Research skills: Copywriters often need to research their clients’ products or services to create compelling content. This involves gathering information and insights to ensure accuracy and relevance in their writing.

As you can see, being a copywriter involves more than just writing skills. It requires creativity, clear and clever word usage, knowledge of psychology, and the ability to adapt and research effectively.

What Do Copywriters Write?

1. Website copy

a copywriter can write website copy or website content

Copywriters can craft content for different pages on websites. This includes the homepage, about page, contact page, landing pages, and more.Β 

Writing website copy demands a deep understanding of the brand, its target audience, the challenges the audience faces, and how the brand’s products or services can address those challenges.Β 

Related: 10 Must-Have Elements For A Stellar Website Homepage

2. Product descriptions

In the world of e-commerce, customers can’t physically touch or see a product before buying it. That’s where copywriters come in. They write product descriptions that are not only accurate but also persuasive.Β 

Product copywriters strike a balance between delivering convincing information about a product and keeping their copy concise enough to hold the customer’s attention. This helps online shoppers make informed decisions when purchasing products.Β 

Related: The Best Tips For Writing Persuasive Product Descriptions

3. Blog posts

a copywriter can write blog posts

Copywriters also specialize in creating blog posts, which are increasingly essential for businesses as part of their content marketing strategy.

Having a blog allows businesses to answer common questions or address recurring issues that their audience often encounters. This proactive approach not only provides helpful solutions but also showcases the business’s expertise.

Related: 11 Compelling Reasons Why Your Business Should Have A Blog

Furthermore, blogging is a powerful tool for building brand awareness online. It enables businesses to demonstrate their industry knowledge, share valuable insights, and engage with their audience. Over time, this engagement fosters trust and credibility among customers.

Blog post lengths can vary widely, typically falling within the range of 500 to 2000 words. The ideal length depends on factors such as the specific industry and the content marketing strategy adopted by the business.

Related: Long-Form Vs. Short-Form Content For Your Business Needs

Copywriters who specialize in blog content may collaborate with their clients to identify relevant keywords. Alternatively, they may offer a comprehensive SEO keyword research service. SEO keyword research is a valuable but time-consuming task, and copywriters may charge extra for this service due to its complexity and effort-intensive nature.

Related: Crucial SEO: Understanding Its Importance In Digital Marketing

4. Email newsletters

Copy for email newsletters can vary significantly from client to client. Some prefer a plain text format that reads like a friendly letter, while others opt for image-heavy emails with minimal text. 

In general, copywriters focus primarily on the writing aspect and may not handle the design or graphics.

Copywriters often craft compelling subject lines, providing several options for testing to optimize open rates. They can design entire email campaigns tailored to their clients’ needs. This includes planning and writing the content for a series of emails that work cohesively to achieve specific goals.

5. Social media posts

a copywriter can write social media posts

In today’s digital age, a strong social media presence is vital for businesses. This has led to a high demand for copywriters who can create engaging social media posts for specific platforms.

Creating effective social media posts goes beyond simply writing. It involves understanding consumer psychology, crafting content that resonates with the audience, and using emojis strategically to evoke emotions. 

Every caption or tweet is a carefully crafted message designed to connect with and engage the target audience effectively.

Will Copywriters Be Replaced by AI?

will copywriters be replaced by AI

Many businesses have started incorporating AI into their content marketing efforts because it’s cost-effective and time-saving. However, the question arises: will copywriters be replaced by AI?

In my view, copywriters are still very much in demand. Why? Because copywriting isn’t just about writing words. It involves many other things, like research, understanding a brand’s message and tone of voice, consumer psychology, and language skills.

Copywriters excel in selecting words carefully to create content that is clear and easy for readers to understand.  These skills are not something AI can fully do (at least not yet!).

Today’s audience seeks content that elicits emotions rather than just providing information. When people want raw information, they can turn to sources like Wikipedia, which is known for its factual but often dry content. 

However, for blogs and other forms of content, readers are looking for a connection. They want to feel understood, entertained, or gain valuable insights from experienced individuals behind a blog. This is an aspect of content creation that AI has not fully mastered, and it’s why copywriters remain a valuable asset in the world of content marketing.

And copywriters are far from becoming obsolete. Why? Because copywriting isn’t just about stringing words together. It encompasses a rich blend of skills, from in-depth research and understanding a brand’s unique identity to tapping into consumer psychology and using language effectively.


The world of copywriting is a dynamic one, evolving alongside the ever-changing landscape of digital communication. As we’ve explored, copywriters wear many hats, from crafting persuasive website content, blog posts to engaging social media posts and product description. 

Copywriters possess the art of choosing words that resonate with readers, making content clear and engaging. These are abilities that AI hasn’t fully mastered, at least not yet.

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