Financial Services: Marketing Strategy and 100 SEO Keywords

marketing strategies and SEO keywords for financial services

In the world of business, having excellent products and services is just the beginning. To truly succeed, a company needs to let the world know about what it offers, establish a strong brand, and connect with potential customers.

For financial service companies, this is especially crucial. Marketing and building relationships play a pivotal role in not only attracting clients but also retaining them.

If you’re interested in promoting your finance business effectively, you’ll find this blog highly valuable. We’re here to discuss marketing strategies that work exceptionally well for financial service firms. 

Moreover, we’ll equip you with a valuable resource: a list of 100 SEO keywords. These keywords will inspire you to create content that’s not only relevant but also highly discoverable online. This, in turn, will help you connect with your target audience and build trust over time.

What Are Financial Services?

what are financial services?

Financial services are different ways that experts and companies help people with their money. Here are some specific kinds of financial services:

1. Advisory:

  • Advisory services involve experts giving you advice on how to handle your money wisely and make smart financial decisions.
  • Example: A financial advisor might recommend diversifying your investments to reduce risk and help your money grow steadily over time.

2. Accounting and bookkeeping:

  • Accounting and bookkeeping are about keeping accurate records of your financial transactions, like income and expenses.
  • Example: A small business owner hires an accountant to track all their sales, expenses, and taxes to ensure their financial records are in order.

3. Banking:

  • Banking services include activities like saving money, taking out loans, and managing your finances through a bank.
  • Example: Opening a savings account at a local bank to store your money securely.

4. Insurance:

  • Insurance provides protection against unexpected financial losses by paying a premium to an insurance company.
  • Example: Buying health insurance to cover medical expenses in case of illness or injury.

5. Loans:

  • Loans allow you to borrow money from a bank or lender, which you repay with interest over time.
  • Example: Getting a mortgage loan to buy a home or taking out a student loan to pay for education.

6. Mutual funds:

  • Mutual funds pool money from multiple investors to invest in a diversified portfolio of stocks, bonds, or other securities.
  • Example: Investing in a mutual fund that spreads your money across various stocks for potential long-term growth.

7. Stocks and investments:

  • Investing in stocks means buying ownership in a company, and investments aim to grow your wealth over time.
  • Example: Purchasing shares of a tech company like Apple with the hope that the stock’s value will increase.

8. Tax consulting:

  • Tax consultants help individuals and businesses understand tax laws and plan their finances to minimize tax liabilities.
  • Example: A tax consultant advises a business on eligible tax deductions, helping them reduce their tax bill.

9. Wealth management:

  • Wealth management involves professional guidance to grow and protect your assets, including investments, estate planning, and financial strategies.
  • Example: A wealth manager helps a high-net-worth individual create a diversified investment portfolio and develop an estate plan to pass on assets to heirs efficiently.

Who Benefits from Financial Services?

who are benefit from financial services?

Financial services are helpful for many different types of organizations because they all need money to operate smoothly. 

Financial service companies have experts who are really good with money and can assist both businesses and regular folks in handling their finances well.

Understanding your customers and the people you want to reach is super important for creating content that speaks to them. 

Here are some common types of customers who use financial services:

  • Everybody: Many people like you and me use financial service companies, such as banks, in their daily lives. They use these services to save money, send money to others, get loans for things like homes and cars, and invest their money.
  • Businesses: Companies often hire financial service firms to help them keep track of their money and make sure they follow all the rules about taxes and other money-related stuff.
  • Schools and colleges: Educational places like schools and colleges sometimes need help from finance experts to manage their money and support their teachers and students.
  • Hospitals and clinics: Healthcare places often work with insurance companies and other money experts to deal with insurance claims and get paid for the medical care they provide.

Marketing Strategies for Financial Services

1. Embrace digital marketing

digital marketing for financial services

Digital marketing is a valuable tool for financial service companies to incorporate into their overall marketing strategies. It allows you to expand your reach and become known to a broader audience. 

Nowadays, more and more people turn to the internet when making financial decisions, such as “Should I invest in…”

According to Google, 86% of potential investors spend over an hour researching online before making investment decisions. 

These are all potential customers you can persuade to use your financial services, or they might refer others to you.

2. Create content to inform and empower customers

Blogging is key

One crucial element of a successful financial services marketing strategy is blogging. It might sound simple, but it’s incredibly effective. Blogging, when done right, can significantly enhance your digital presence.

Related: 11 Compelling Reasons Why Your Business Should Have A Blog

Here are some blog post ideas for your financial services blog:

Industry trends in finance: Explore and explain the latest trends in the financial industry, such as blockchain technology, sustainable investing, or digital banking, and their potential impact on consumers and businesses.

How-To guides: Create step-by-step guides on various financial topics, like “How to Create a Budget and Stick to It” or “A Beginner’s Guide to Investing in Stocks.”

Comparisons: Compare different financial products or services, like “Comparing Credit Cards: Which One Is Right for You?” or “Choosing the Best Mortgage for Your Home.”

Case studies: Share success stories or real-life case studies of individuals or businesses that achieved their financial goals with the help of your financial services. For example, “How We Helped a Small Business Triple Its Profits.”

The power of SEO

SEO, or Search Engine Optimization, plays a central role in this. While it might sound a bit complicated, the idea is pretty straightforward. It’s about making your website appear at the top of search engine results pages (SERPs). When you achieve this, more people naturally find their way to your website.

In fact, a staggering 93% of all web traffic comes from search engines. So, getting noticed on search engines is a big deal.

Related: Crucial SEO: Understanding Its Importance In Digital Marketing

Start with a solid SEO strategy

To succeed in content marketing, you need to start with a well-planned SEO strategy. This strategy includes researching your industry, analyzing your competitors, and more. By doing this, you’ll be better equipped to create content that appeals to the right audience.

Remember, it’s not just about creating content; it’s about crafting content that speaks directly to your target audience. Here are three examples of target audiences for specific financial services:

Target audience for retirement planning services:
  • Audience: Middle-aged professionals aged 40-55 who are concerned about their retirement savings.
  • Service: Retirement planning and investment advice.
  • Why: These individuals are at a stage in life where they’re thinking about retirement and want to ensure they have a secure financial future.
Target audience for student loan consolidation services:
  • Audience: Recent college graduates in their mid-20s to early 30s with multiple student loans.
  • Service: Student loan consolidation and repayment plans.
  • Why: This group is burdened by student loan debt and seeks ways to simplify and manage their loan repayments effectively.
Target audience for small business accounting services:
  • Audience: Small business owners and entrepreneurs.
  • Service: Accounting, bookkeeping, and tax consulting for small businesses.
  • Why: Small business owners require professional financial services to manage their company’s finances, stay compliant with tax laws, and make informed financial decisions.

3. Use social media

social media on the phone for financial services

In the changing world of finance, using social media isn’t just an option; it’s something you should do to connect with people and make them trust your services.

Even if your financial company is more traditional, you can’t ignore social media, especially when it comes to reaching younger clients. According to Gartner, 75% of financial services leaders expect significant changes in the industry by 2026. Things are changing, and you need to be ready.

Many people, especially young ones, use social media every day. When you advertise your financial services on these platforms, you can reach lots of different people and encourage them to learn more about your business. You can even get them to do things like visit your website or use your services.

86% of people who read financial publications believe it’s important for business leaders to use social media. They trust leaders who use social media a lot more than those who don’t, by a ratio of 6 to 1. So, being active on social media can help people trust your financial services more.

4. Focus on customer support

Customer service is incredibly important because it can make or break a company’s chances of turning a potential customer into a loyal one. 

When people have a good experience with customer service, they’re more likely to come back for more. In fact, according to Help Scout, 89% of customers say they’re more likely to return and buy again.

You should figure out ways to provide customer support and assist customers with any unique issues they might face. Some companies hire special team members to work in customer support. These people answer phone calls and respond to messages, helping customers with their questions and concerns.

When your customer support is strong and helpful, it shows your customers that you care about their needs. This care can go a long way in making them want to keep using your services. After all, everyone likes to feel valued and supported.

Download 100 SEO Keywords Here


In conclusion, the significance of SEO for financial services cannot be overstated when it comes to gaining a competitive edge in the financial services sector. This blog has provided valuable insights into how harnessing the power of relevant keywords can help your financial firm rank higher in search engine results, ultimately reaching a wider audience.

Effectively utilizing these relevant keywords is akin to providing expert financial advice to your digital marketing strategy. It’s about understanding the ever-evolving landscape of online visibility and adapting your tactics to thrive within it.

As the digital sphere continues to evolve, it’s clear that a strong online presence is not a luxury but a necessity. By staying agile and keeping pace with the changes in consumer behavior and technology, you can navigate the complex world of SEO to your advantage.

Additionally, engaging with social media, especially within the financial services sector, can open doors to new opportunities and foster credibility among both traditional and digitally savvy clients. Embracing this change is key to establishing your firm as a trusted source of financial solutions.

Last but not least, never underestimate the pivotal role of customer support in this equation. Exceptional service not only resolves immediate concerns but also positions your firm as a reliable partner in your client’s financial journey.

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