Consistency in Blogging: Why It’s Tough and How to Make It Work

how to be consistent in blogging

You’ve probably heard people say that being regular and dependable is really important. 

In the world of blogging, this simply means that if you run a blog, it’s crucial to keep publishing new posts on a schedule that your readers can rely on. 

No one likes it when a blog is all over the place, with articles popping up at random times.

If you’re a business owner who also blogs, you’re no stranger to the never-ending list of tasks you need to handle.

Let’s be honest, though – keeping up with regular blogging is hard. But don’t worry, it’s not impossible. 

In this blog post, we’ll look at why it’s tough to stick to a consistent blogging schedule and, more importantly, we’ll explore easy ways to help you keep it up over time. 

So, if you’re interested in learning how to make your blogging journey more reliable and successful, keep reading.

6 Reasons Why It’s Hard to Be Consistent in Blogging

1. You are your own boss

importance of consistency in blogging

One of the main reasons why it’s tough to maintain consistency in blogging is that you’re your own boss. 

Unlike a regular job where you have a boss who sets deadlines and tells you what to do, blogging is more independent. You don’t have anyone breathing down your neck, telling you when your next blog post should be up. 

This freedom can sometimes lead to procrastination, where you keep delaying writing and think you can always do it later without any problems. 

2. Blogging takes time and effort

Blogging isn’t something you can whip up in just a few minutes. It takes a good chunk of your time and effort. 

On average, creating a valuable blog post can eat up about 2 to 4 hours of your day. Furthermore, blogging isn’t just about writing. It’s also about doing research and polishing your work. 

If you want your blog to shine and show up high in search engine results, you have to find special words that people search for (SEO keywords) and use them naturally in your writing.

Even if you use AI to help you out, you still need to do some fact-checking and proofreading to make your blog sound human and engaging. 

AI can generate content, but it can sometimes be generic and even plagiarized. So, you have to roll up your sleeves and manually check and edit it to make it interesting and unique all by yourself.

3. You need to share your blog on social media

Simply having your blogs on a website won’t automatically bring in readers. It’s not a “build it, and they will come” situation.

To get people to read your blogs, you need to actively share them on social media. This involves planning and using creativity to make your blogs stand out on platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

However, this process can be quite time-consuming, especially when you’re already focused on consistent writing. 

This added workload can be discouraging and overwhelming, making it challenging to stay consistent in your blogging efforts.

4. You don’t see any results from blogging

how to be consistent blogging for beginners

One big reason people give up on blogging is because they don’t see anything happening. They expect good things to come quickly, but in blogging, it takes a while.

Related: How Long Does It Take To See Results From Blogging?

You start your blog, write a bunch of posts, and put them on your website. But instead of lots of people coming to read them, it’s like your blog is invisible. Nobody’s reading, nobody’s talking about it. It can make you feel pretty down.

You might start thinking, “I spent money on this website, I wrote all these posts, and nothing’s happening. Why isn’t anyone interested?” It’s frustrating and can make you want to give up.

5. Your blog’s purposes is smaller than you excuses

Sometimes, people start blogs because they see other businesses doing it, and they feel like they should too. 

If your “Why” for blogging isn’t strong enough, even the tiniest challenge can make you throw in the towel and you might end up giving up before you see any results.

And if you rush through making blog posts and then leave them sitting there without updates or improvements, you won’t see any results. 

It’s like planting a seed and never taking care of it. So, having good reasons to have a blog and sticking to it is super important for successful blogging.

Related: 11 Compelling Reasons Why Your Business Should Have A Blog

6. You compare your blog with others

When you look at other businesses’ blogs and see that they have lots of pages and content, it’s natural to compare your blog to theirs. 

You might feel like your blog is too tiny to compete with them. This can make you think that catching up is impossible, and you might want to give up.

But here’s the truth: every business, even the big ones you see now, started from scratch. They had zero pages at some point, just like you. 

If they compared themselves to others and felt small in the beginning, do you think they would be successful with blogging today?

So, don’t compare your business to others. It’s not fair to you, and it’s not fair to them either. Everyone has to start somewhere, and it’s your journey that matters most.

6 Tips for Consistent Blogging

1. Believe in your content’s value

blogging consistently

Understand that your blog posts have the potential to help many people. When you recognize the value in what you’re sharing, it becomes easier to stay motivated.

Instead of obsessing over what your competitors are up to, focus on your audience. Create content that’s tailored to their needs and interests. Think about how you can make their lives better with your blog.

2. Completion is better than perfection

When it comes to blogging, aiming for perfection in every aspect—ideas, writing, editing—can lead to unnecessary stress and overwhelm. 

Waiting for everything to be flawless before hitting the publish button can make the blogging process feel like a never-ending nightmare. 

It’s okay to have imperfections in your work. What matters most is delivering valuable content to your audience consistently. So, focus on getting your ideas out there and refining them over time.

3. Create a content calendar

how to blog more consistently

To keep your blogging efforts organized and consistent, consider creating a content calendar. It’s a simple yet effective tool that helps you plan and stay on track. Here’s why it’s a good idea:

  • Content marketing is complex: Blogging involves various aspects, and a successful strategy includes planning, developing, and publishing your content. A content calendar is your roadmap through this journey.
  • Maintaining consistency: Consistency is key in blogging. When you plan ahead, you’re more likely to stick to a regular posting schedule, which keeps your audience engaged.
  • Efficiency: Doing the groundwork, like researching topics and keywords in advance, gives you a head start when you sit down to write. This can make the writing process faster and easier.

Your content calendar doesn’t need to be fancy. You can keep it simple by including these columns: 

  • Ideas/Topics: This column is where you jot down the main themes or subjects you want to write about in your upcoming blog posts.
  • Keywords: Include your primary keyword (the main focus of your post) and supporting keywords (related terms that add context) to optimize your content for search engines.
  • Category: Categorize your blog posts into different topics or sections to help organize and group related content.
  • Date to write: Set a date for when you intend to work on and complete the writing of the blog post.
  • Date to publish: Specify the date when you plan to release your blog post to the public.
  • Finish (Mark with “X”): Use this column to indicate that a blog post is ready for publication by marking it with an “X.” It’s a visual cue to know which posts are complete and ready to be scheduled or uploaded.

You can download my Content Calendar template in Google Sheets here!!!

4. Prepare several blog posts in advance

Whenever you find the time to create content, seize the opportunity and write as many blog posts as you can, preferably 1-2 weeks in advance. 

The more blogs you have ready, the smoother your blogging journey will be.Having a stockpile of blogs means you won’t have to worry about running out of content to share. 

You can even go a step further and prepare content for 1-2 months ahead. However, it’s essential to be realistic about your schedule and avoid overloading yourself to prevent burnout.

5. Announce your commitment to a consistent schedule

the importance of consistency in blogging

If you’re the kind of person who feels bad when you let others down, consider making a public promise to publish content regularly. Share this commitment on your social media platforms.

By doing this, you not only create a sense of accountability but also motivate yourself to stick to your blogging schedule. 

It’s having an external push to ensure you consistently publish your blogs on your website and actively promote them on social media.

This external motivation can be a powerful tool in helping you stay on track, so give it a try and see how it works for you.

6. Consider hiring a content writer or team

If writing or maintaining a consistent content schedule isn’t your strong suit, don’t worry – you can enlist the help of a professional writer or a content creation team for your business.

By outsourcing your content needs, you can relieve yourself of the burden and free up time and energy to concentrate on other critical aspects of your business.

Related: 6 Reasons Why Hiring A Professional Content Writer Is A Good Investment

At Lustrous Copy, I offer SEO blog post creation services. You have the flexibility to order individual blog posts or make bulk orders. 

If you opt for bulk orders, we even provide a free content calendar to help you keep track of your publishing schedule, ensuring you maintain consistency on your website. It’s a convenient way to ensure your blog stays active and engaging for your audience.

Final Thoughts

Remaining consistent in your blogging efforts can be a real challenge, and it’s something that many people struggle with. 

It’s very easy to get discouraged when you don’t immediately see results and feel like you can’t keep up with your competitors.

But, don’t limit yourself or your business based on these challenges. There are effective strategies to help you consistently produce and publish blogs such as creating a content calendar, preparing multiple blog posts in advance, publicly committing to a stable publishing schedule, and considering hiring a content writer or team.

Most importantly, it’s crucial to nurture the right mindset. Understand that blogging isn’t just about you; it’s about helping others and building trust over time. This is incredibly beneficial for your business and can lead to long-term success.

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