Healthcare Industry: Marketing Strategies and 100 SEO Keywords

Marketing strategies and 100 SEO keywords for healthcare industry

Marketing in the healthcare industry is just as critical as it is in any other field, especially as more and more people turn to the internet to make decisions about their medical care. 

Remarkably, 90% of patients rely on online reviews when making decisions about their healthcare providers.

An effective healthcare marketing strategy not only helps patients find the right healthcare professionals but also fosters stronger relationships between patients and their medical teams. 

To achieve this, it’s essential to explore various marketing options. 

In this blog, we’ll delve into these top strategies and provide you with 100 SEO keywords to create high-ranking content on search engines. 

Let’s explore the world of healthcare marketing and how it can benefit both patients and providers.

The Power of Online Reputation in Healthcare Marketing

Understanding how people use the internet to find doctors is vital in today’s digital age. It helps you build your reputation effectively. Here are some revealing statistics:

  • First impressions matter: In a blog titled “How Patients Use Online Reviews” by Software Advice, it was found that 71% of surveyed patients use online reviews as their very first step when searching for a new doctor.
  • Interest in patient experiences: Most patients are keen on reading about other patients’ experiences, including ratings and the quality of care provided. This information holds considerable weight in their decision-making process.
  • Public reviews are important: A significant 66% of respondents consider it “very” or “moderately important” for healthcare providers to respond publicly to online reviews. Addressing concerns and feedback openly, without violating HIPAA laws, is a savvy strategy to build trust and credibility.
  • Managing negative reviews: Interestingly, a majority of patients tend to disregard negative reviews that appear unreasonable or exaggerated. Additionally, 36% of patients overlook negative reviews if the provider has responded thoughtfully. 

Marketing Strategies for Healthcare Industry

1. Know your target audience

successful healthcare marketing campaigns

Effective healthcare marketing begins with a deep understanding of your target audience. 

Your audience can be prospective or existing patients, but it can also extend to healthcare providers, public officials, educators, or other professionals who might benefit from health-related products and resources. 

To truly know your audience, consider these questions:

  • Demographics: How old are they? Where do they live?
  • Identifying challenges: What specific health-related problems are they facing? How do these problems affect their daily lives?
  • Search behavior: Have they actively sought solutions to their health issues? If so, how do they typically search for solutions? (e.g., online searches, seeking advice from family and friends)
  • Expectations from healthcare: What are their expectations from healthcare services, providers, or treatments?
  • Barriers to access: What obstacles prevent them from accessing healthcare services or products? (e.g., financial constraints, insurance issues, transportation challenges, or physical inaccessibility of services)

Here’s a specific example of determining a target audience in the healthcare industry: Example: Orthopedic Clinic. Imagine you run an orthopedic clinic specializing in joint replacements, and you want to refine your target audience for marketing efforts:

  • Demographics: Age: Your primary patients may be adults aged 50 and older. Gender: There could be a fairly even distribution between men and women.
  • Identifying challenges: Health concerns: Your target audience likely faces joint pain or mobility issues, which affect their daily lives and activities. Quality of life: They seek improved mobility and a better quality of life through joint replacement.
  • Search behavior: Online research: Many in your target audience might search online for information about joint pain, treatment options, and patient testimonials. Referrals: They may also rely on referrals from primary care physicians or friends who’ve undergone joint replacement.
  • Expectations from healthcare: Expertise: They expect experienced orthopedic surgeons who specialize in joint replacements. Personalized Care: Personalized treatment plans and post-operative care are essential.
  • Barriers to access: Insurance: Some may be concerned about insurance coverage for the procedure. Location: Accessibility to the clinic and surgical center may be a consideration.

2. Have a blog

healthcare blog

Blogging is a valuable tool for healthcare professionals, offering numerous benefits when applied alongside on-page search engine optimization (SEO). Here’s how it can significantly enhance your healthcare marketing efforts:

  • Online reputation building: In today’s digital age, having an online presence is essential. A well-maintained blog on your website allows you to expand your reputation and expertise.
    With most people actively using the internet, a regularly updated blog helps you connect with a wider audience and gain their trust.
  • Staying informed and sharp: Writing blog posts on topics that your patients frequently inquire about keeps you up-to-date on the latest research and health trends. This continuous learning not only benefits your patients but also keeps you professionally sharp and knowledgeable.
  • Monetizing through blogging: By sharing reliable information with patients, fellow professionals, and potential patients, you can generate income through the increased traffic and engagement on your blog. If your website attracts a substantial number of monthly visitors, you may even expand your patient base and grow your practice.

Related: 11 Compelling Reasons Why Your Business Should Have A Blog

3. Blog post ideas

healthcare blog examples

When it comes to creating compelling blog content in the healthcare field, consider these ideas to engage your audience and enhance your marketing efforts:

  • Address frequently asked questions: Write informative posts that provide answers to commonly asked questions about medical conditions, treatments, or healthcare procedures. This can serve as a valuable resource for your patients.
  • Share patient stories: Inspire and connect with your audience by sharing uplifting patient success stories. These stories humanize your practice and showcase the positive impact you’ve had on individuals’ lives.
  • Clarify myths: Dispel common myths or misconceptions related to healthcare topics. Clear, evidence-based explanations can help educate your readers and foster trust.
  • Research roundup: Summarize recent medical research findings related to a specific health issue. This showcases your commitment to staying updated on the latest developments.
  • Health tips: Offer practical tips for maintaining physical and mental health. These could cover topics like nutrition, exercise, stress management, and more.
  • Industry trends: Stay ahead of the curve by discussing current trends and innovations in the healthcare industry. This positions you as an expert who is in tune with the latest advancements.

4. Focus on local SEO

personal seo keywords

Local SEO is a digital marketing strategy tailored to enhance your online presence, with a focus on achieving higher rankings in local organic search engine results. 

Unlike global SEO, local SEO zeroes in on specific geographical areas to attract nearby customers seeking quick solutions.

Google often responds to local intent in search queries by displaying a Map Pack—a listing of three or more local businesses positioned prominently above organic search results on the search engine results page (SERP).

According to Hubspot, 92% of users prefer businesses listed on the first page of local search results. A significant 70% of consumers are driven to visit physical stores based on search result information.

Once you master local SEO, you can tap into highly relevant, local searches from potential patients actively seeking services like yours. 

Here’s how to get started:

  • Claim your Google business profile: Ensure your practice is listed on Google’s business profile. This platform is a powerful tool for connecting with local patients.
  • Maintain consistent information: Make sure your practice’s name, office address, and phone number are uniform across all online listings and directories.
  • Encourage patient reviews: Request patient reviews and respond to them professionally. Positive reviews can boost your online reputation and attract more patients.
  • Incorporate local keywords: Optimize your website content with relevant local keywords that reflect your location and services.
    For example: If you run a pediatric clinic in Seattle, some local keywords you could include in your website content are “Seattle pediatric care,” “Seattle children’s doctor,” and “best pediatric clinic in Seattle.” These keywords emphasize your location and specialty, making it easier for local families to find your services when they search online.
  • Create valuable content: Develop content that is both valuable and relevant to your target patients in your local area. This establishes you as an authority and provides useful information to potential patients.

5. Ask for reviews

healthcare reviews

Reviews play a pivotal role in today’s healthcare landscape. A notable survey by One Poll revealed that a staggering 95% of respondents considered online healthcare reviews at least somewhat reliable. 

Remarkably, even when referred by healthcare professionals, 41% of individuals still opted to consult online reviews.

Whether they’re positive or negative, reviews matter. The key is to prioritize what you offer, be it products or services, and ensure exceptional customer service. 

Patients should feel cared for, with their satisfaction being your utmost priority.

Here’s how to gather reviews effectively:

  • Utilize SMS or email: Reach out to patients via SMS or email to request reviews. Personalize your request by addressing them by their first name and mentioning their specific health concerns or issues you’ve addressed.
  • Choose the right timing: Send review requests during ideal hours, typically between 9 AM and 5 PM on weekdays rather than weekends. This increases the likelihood of a response.
  • Follow up when needed: Don’t hesitate to send follow-up messages to patients who haven’t responded to your initial review request. A gentle follow-up can improve your success rate without being overly intrusive.

6. Embrace email marketing

healthcare email marketing

Email marketing is a fundamental component of any successful healthcare marketing strategy, as it enables consistent and impactful communication with patients, vendors, and other essential stakeholders.

Regular email updates keep recipients informed about recent developments in healthcare that they may find intriguing. 

It also showcases your organization as an authoritative figure in the industry.

Imagine a scenario where a patient visits your office, and you subsequently send them a thoughtful follow-up email. 

This email expresses gratitude, provides details about their next appointments, medication prescriptions, and includes links to relevant blog posts on your website addressing their specific health concerns. 

Such personalized care makes patients feel valued and cherished. They begin to trust your practice deeply.

By sharing valuable information through your blog posts via email, you not only foster customer service but also bolster your marketing efforts.

Patients will appreciate the informative content, and this can drive increased traffic to your website.

7. Be on social media

healthcare social media strategy

Social media presents a powerful avenue for healthcare organizations to foster trust with prospective patients. 

Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter offer excellent opportunities to engage with your audience. Share informative content, including your new blog posts and helpful tips that resonate with your target patients. Consistent posting keeps your practice on top of patients’ minds and encourages meaningful interactions.

On the other hand, LinkedIn is a popular choice among various healthcare professionals, including doctors, nurses, pharmacists, and hospital executives. The platform’s “LinkedIn Matched Audiences” feature can expand your reach by 25%. It’s an ideal platform for networking and showcasing your expertise.

Here’s what to share on social media:

  • Industry quotes: Share insightful quotes related to your healthcare industry. Explain why these quotes resonate with your practice or how they shape your approach.
  • Inspirational quotes: Post inspirational quotes and share your personal perspective on how they’ve influenced your journey or helped you navigate challenging situations.
  • Patient testimonials: Showcase patient testimonials to build trust and credibility. Share success stories and the positive impact your practice has had on patients’ lives.
  • Practice events videos: Create videos highlighting special events or activities at your practice. Give patients a glimpse of the vibrant atmosphere.
  • Funny stories: Share lighthearted, funny stories related to your practice or healthcare experiences to connect with your audience on a personal level.
  • Overcoming struggles: Discuss challenges you’ve faced in your practice and how you’ve overcome them. This demonstrates resilience and expertise.
  • How-to tutorials: Share step-by-step how-to tutorials on various health topics or healthcare practices to educate and empower your audience.
  • Live ‘Ask-me-anything’ sessions: Host live Q&A sessions where you answer questions from your audience in real-time. This fosters engagement and transparency.
  • Behind-the-scenes videos: Offer a glimpse behind the scenes of your practice and your daily life. Show the human side of your healthcare journey.
  • Daily insights: Share snippets of your daily routine and activities, giving your audience a personal connection.
  • Blog post sharing: Promote your blog posts on social media to drive traffic to your website and provide valuable information to your followers.
  • Origin story: Share why you entered the healthcare field, what attracted you to it, and even discuss the challenges you face or aspects you don’t particularly enjoy.

Download 100 SEO Keywords Here


Healthcare SEO is vital in today’s digital age as patients increasingly turn to Google search and online reviews to make healthcare decisions. Effective keyword research is key to content marketing success. To optimize your healthcare website, it’s crucial to target the right keywords that patients use on search engines like Google.

Implementing strong SEO strategies can help you build your online reputation and connect with a broader audience. Managing your online reviews and addressing concerns professionally is essential to gain trust.

In healthcare marketing, understanding your target audience is a must, from demographics to search behavior.

Don’t overlook the power of local SEO to attract nearby patients. Claim your Google business profile, maintain consistency in information, and encourage patient reviews.

In summary, mastering healthcare SEO, conducting thorough keyword research, and implementing effective content marketing strategies are essential for success in the digital world, where Google search plays a significant role in patients’ decisions. Building trust and providing valuable information are the keys to thriving in healthcare marketing.

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