Dog Training: Marketing Strategies and a List of 100 SEO Keywords

marketing strategies and 100 SEO keywords for dog training business

Dogs have always been our cherished companions, offering us unconditional love and comfort. Notably, they even play a role in reducing our stress and improving our mental well-being. 

This is why, when people bring a dog into their lives, learning how to train them becomes a top priority.

For those of you engaged in the field of dog training – whether you’re providing training resources, courses, or guides – it’s essential to grasp the problems that dog owners face and provide them with your solutions.

In this blog, we’ll dive into effective dog training marketing strategies and what questions that many people actually ask. We also equip you with insights and practical tools to effectively connect with your target audience. 

Additionally, we’ve curated a list of 100 SEO keywords to empower you in creating content that resonates with dog owners, helping you to build a dedicated customer base.

Facts about Dog Training and Dog Ownership 

marketing strategy for dog training
  • About 73% of dog owners use training methods, as stated by the AKC (American Kennel Club).
  • The pet industry, including dogs, made over $136.8 billion in sales, according to the APPA (American Pet Products Association) in 2022.
  • Many dog owners (43%) choose premium food for their pets, based on info from Pet Processing.
  • People are increasingly buying pet products online, with 86% of pet owners making their purchases on the internet, reported by the AKC.
  • Pet ownership in the U.S. has risen from 67% to 70%, according to the APPA.
  • Dogs are part of 54% of households in the U.S., says the APPA.
  • Pets, particularly dogs, bring happiness. Around 68% of pet owners find joy in their pets, and 73% of families feel dogs bring them closer, as per Pet Keen.

Digital Marketing Strategies for Dog Training Businesses

1. Create blogs on your website

best marketing strategy for dog training

Blogs are like powerful tools that help businesses, including dog training, connect with people. 

They’re super important for spreading the word and helping people with their dog training needs.

Related: 11 Compelling Reasons Why Your Business Should Have A Blog

Just like in any other business, you need to listen to what people are curious about. 

If your prospects are having any concerns with dog training, your business should answer their questions and provide them solutions with your products or services.

Here are some common questions that people always ask about dog training:

  1. What age is best for dog training?
  2. What is beginner training for dogs?
  3. What is the hardest part of training a dog?
  4. How many years does it take to train a dog?
  5. How many hours a day should I train my dog?
  6. How to train X (dog breed)?
  7. What is the best training method for my dogs?
  8. How can I get my dog to obey me?
  9. How do I train a dog myself?
  10. How do I correct bad dog behavior?
  11. How do I tell my dog to do or not to do something?
  12. What can I do instead of yelling at my dog?
  13. Will ignoring my dog help?
  14. How do I say sorry to my dog?
  15. Do dogs like it when I talk to them?

When you write about these topics, it shows you can help others by your content. But it’s not just about writing – it’s also about helping your website show up higher when people search on Google. 

This is where SEO comes in. SEO means making your website better so it pops up when people look for dog training. 

Embracing SEO can make a big difference for your content. When people search for dog training help, they’ll find you easier on search engines.

Related: Crucial SEO: Understanding Its Importance In Digital Marketing

2. Leverage social media 

dog training marketing ideas

Setting up social media profiles is crucial to show that your dog training business is legit and active in the community. 

Having an online presence makes people can find your business easily. Plus, it’s a great way to connect with other local businesses and build your brand.

If you’re on platforms like Instagram and Twitter, using hashtags is a smart move. Hashtags are like labels that help people find posts about specific topics. 

On Facebook, you can get even more involved. You can join groups where your ideal customers hang out, or you can create your own group. 

Since Facebook pages don’t reach as many people without ads, groups are awesome. They let you talk with others about dog behavior in your local community, and that’s a big win.

3. Have an email list

how to get dog training clients

Email marketing is a smart strategy when done right, and it brings extra perks to your business. 

Having your own email list lets you keep in touch with potential clients over time, and it’s like putting a protective shield around the audience you’ve worked hard to gather.

Email marketing helps you stay connected with your audiences. With an email list, you can keep reaching out to people who are interested in your dog training services. It’s a way to remind them that you’re here to help.

Furthermore, when you have an email list, it’s like owning a piece of land. You have control over it. Unlike social media where rules can change, your email list is yours to keep. 

It’s a safety net for the case something goes wrong with your social media accounts, you still have a way to talk to your audience directly through emails.


11 Reasons Why Email Marketing Is Essential For Your Business Growth

4 Email Marketing Secrets For Growing Your Business

4. Use powerful words

how to sell dog training classes

In the dog training business, using words that touch people’s feelings is important. Here are some simple words that can help you persuade people to buy your training services:

  • Trust: Show that people can feel safe with your training because you really know what you’re doing and care about their dogs.
    For example: “You can trust our trainers because they know exactly how to help your dog behave better.”
  • Friendship: Talk about how training can make the bond between dogs and owners even stronger, like they’re best friends.
    For example: “Our training strengthens the friendship between you and your dog, making your bond even stronger.”
  • Happiness: Tell how training can make dogs and people really happy and bring more fun to their lives.
    For example: “Imagine the happiness you’ll feel when your dog listens and behaves happily around you.”
  • Feeling sure: Explain how your training can help dogs and their owners feel more confident and sure of themselves.
    For example: “With our training, you’ll feel sure that you can handle any situation with your dog.”
  • Getting along: Describe how your training can help dogs and families live together happily and peacefully.
    For example: “Our training helps your dog and your family get along better, so everyone can enjoy being together.”
  • Understanding: Let people know that you get why it can be hard to handle dogs sometimes, and your training can make things better.
    For example: “We understand the challenges you face, and our training makes things easier for both you and your dog”
  • Being loyal: Say that your training can make dogs even more loyal to their owners, like they’ll stick together no matter what.
    For example: “Through our training, your dog’s loyalty to you will shine, making your connection unbreakable.”
  • Peace of mind: Explain how your training can help owners relax and not worry about their dogs misbehaving.
    For example: “Experience peace of mind knowing that your dog is well-behaved and happy.”
  • Being best friends: Tell how training can make dogs and people feel like they’re the best companions ever.
    For example: “Our training will help you and your dog become the best of friends, enjoying every moment together.”

5. Produce dog training videos

how to grow dog training business

Using videos is a great strategy for dog training success. They bring a lot of value to the table.

Here’s why videos are a game-changer:

  • Visual learning: Think of videos as easy-to-follow guides. They show the steps of dog training visually, making it super clear. It’s like having a friend show you how to do things step by step.
  • Engagement boost: Videos keep people interested. They’re like attention magnets. People engage more when they watch videos compared to reading text.

You have a few options to share your videos:

  • YouTube and social media: You can post your videos on platforms like YouTube and social media. It’s like reaching a wide audience eager to learn.
  • On your website: Your website can be like a personal stage. You can upload videos there too.

Sprout Social reported that 93% of marketers have gained new customers through videos on social media.

According to Oberlo, about 78% say videos have boosted their sales, while 86% say videos have driven more people to their websites.

So, making videos isn’t just fun – it’s a powerful way to grow your dog training business.

The List of 100 SEO Keywords


As a dog trainer, you have the important task of helping people teach their dogs new tricks and good behaviors.

To attract more new clients, you should use effective marketing strategies such as creating informative blogs, utilizing social media, and building an email list. These approaches can help you connect with more dog owners who want to train their pets.

Remember, your ultimate goal is to make every dog and their owner happy while improving their understanding of each other. 

By following these marketing tips, you can draw in new clients and make a positive impact on the lives of dogs and their human companions. 

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