If you’re buzzing with a fantastic idea for your website’s content and feeling all excited to create something amazing, that’s awesome!
But then, there’s this empty page just staring back at you, and suddenly, your excitement fades away.
You have a bunch of knowledge and experience, but putting it onto that blank white page can feel like trying to grab a slippery fish with your bare hands.
You type a bit, then hit delete. Type some more, delete again…it’s like going in circles of annoyance every time you try to start writing.🥴
You know what? I’ve been through it myself, so I understand the frustration and discouragement you might be feeling with writing.
That’s why I’m here to share with you 5 common writing problems that you might face. But don’t worry, I won’t leave you there. I’ll give you solutions for these problems to actually make the writing process easier and more enjoyable.
So, without any more delay, let’s dive right into it!
1. It’s Hard to Find Topics That People Want to Read

When it comes to picking what to write about, you might be thinking about writing what you like. And that’s fine!
But here’s the truth: people aren’t really buying just your products or services; they’re investing in what helps them get the results they want.
That being said, no matter what your business is selling, you’ve got to let people know how and why it’s going to make their lives easier and better.
So, how can you make that happen? By creating content that’s all for THEM.
Your content should focus on them – your customers – not you or your business. Your content should cover the questions or problems that people always have and that kind of content is what people want to read the most.
Related: Success Comes From Understanding Your Customers’ Problems
“But wait, how do I figure out what topics people actually want to read?” you might be wondering.
Here’s the solution:
- You can hop onto Google and look up the products or services your business offers. Check out what people are saying in the reviews.
- You can also head over to Amazon and do a similar thing. Check out both the 5-star and 1-star reviews. The 5-star ones will give you insights into what your competition is nailing. But the real gold is in the 1-star reviews. They’ll let you know where your competition is messing up and what problems people are facing.
- Base your content around those problems (from 1-star reviews). Address the questions people always have about your products or services.
- When people have problems, they’re always on the lookout for solutions. The content that answers their questions and gives them the solutions is exactly what they really want to read about.
- And people always want to know the price before making any purchase, so you can cover that too. You can either talk about the pricing on your website or create blog posts explaining why your pricing is set the way it is.
- If you don’t want to give the exact numbers, you can give them a starting point. Sharing your pricing gives potential customers an idea and helps you sort out the serious inquiries from the ones who might not be a good fit.
- And by mentioning prices transparently, you can save hours on phone calls or back-and-forth emails just for people to figure out your prices.
2. You’re Struggling with Arranging Your Ideas

Do you ever find your mind overflowing with ideas? You know exactly what you want to write about. You’re sure your topics will click with potential customers.
But there’s a challenge – your thoughts are all over the place, and arranging them in a clear order seems puzzling.
Here’s the solution:
- If you’re on your computer, simply open Microsoft Word or Google Docs and start typing your thoughts. If you have your phone nearby, use a notes app to jot down your ideas. Alternatively, grab a pen and paper.
- When you put them on a white paper, everything becomes clearer. You can easily organize your thoughts, deciding what comes first, next, and last. This also helps you remember better and don’t forget your great insights.
- Research shows that jotting down notes actually improves your memory. In one study, researchers focused on people who were conducting job interviews. Those who took notes during the interviews were able to recall approximately 23% more crucial details compared to those who didn’t write anything down.
- So, if you’re struggling to organize your thoughts and are unsure how to convey them in your writing, try putting them down on paper or a digital document. You’ll likely find it much clearer than trying to keep everything in your head.
3. You Don’t Know What SEO Keywords to Target

You’ve got your topic ready, but finding those keywords that can really bump up your Google ranking can be a challenge.
No need to fret, though.
Here’s what you can do:
- Type your chosen topic into Google or any other search engine you prefer.
- Check out the articles that pop up. You’ll see that the keywords often appear right in the titles of these articles.
- For example, let’s say your focus is on cat food. You want to compare wet and dry cat food. Just type in “cat food wet vs dry” and you’ll find articles from sources like petMD, Purina, Daily Paws, and more.

- Now, pay attention. You’ll notice a recurring phrase, like “Wet vs. Dry Cat Food.” That’s exactly the primary SEO keyword they’re aiming for – and you should target it too.
- Dive into those articles and see which words they keep using when discussing cat food. These are the words you want to include in your content too.
Related: Crucial SEO: Understanding Its Importance In Digital Marketing
4. You’re Not Sure How to Balance the Quality of Content with SEO

You don’t want your writing to sound awkward or stuffed with keywords.
You’re aiming for content that’s not only high-quality but also optimized for search engines.
That’s why finding the right balance between top-notch content and SEO can be a common writing challenge.
Here’s the solution:
- Expand your content a bit. Add more points or include a FAQs section. This way, you’ll have the space to incorporate those SEO keywords naturally.
- If you’re still scratching your head, here’s a golden rule – put content quality first. Focus on crafting content that genuinely helps and adds value for your readers.
- When people find your content super helpful and detailed, guess who takes notice? Yep, Google! The more awesome your content, the higher it climbs in the ranks. Google loves being a helpful pal for searchers, and if you’re dishing out the good stuff, Google wants others to find it too.
5. You’re Not Sure If You Should Create Content That Others Have Covered It

Feeling unsure about crafting content that’s already been explored by many other pages?
It’s a common concern, especially when you’re building a business and know you’re up against a lot of competition.
It’s pretty rare to start something entirely brand-new and unique.
But here’s the truth – competition is a part of business, just like how Pepsi coexists with Coca-Cola and McDonald’s with Burger King.
Even though there are many similar businesses, they all find ways to do well.
Think about it. If the CEO of Pepsi looked at Coca-Cola’s dominance and decided not to create soda-related stuff because he thought he couldn’t compete, that would be a big no-go.
Successful businesses always start small and work their way up, from point 0 to 1, 2, 3, and beyond.
No business begins at point 10. They earn their place by delivering value, building trust, and growing over time.
Back to your worry about creating content that others have tackled – the answer is a resounding YES.
You’re building from the ground up, just like everyone else did. If you hesitate creating valuable content and stick at step 0, you’re giving your competitors a free pass to success.
Related: Should You Create Content When The Topic Already Exists On The Internet?
Here’s what you can do:
- It’s totally okay to create content that others have already made. You can add your own knowledge and ideas to it. You can also look at the topic from different angles to make it interesting.
- Write in a friendly way, like you’re having a chat. Make your content easy for lots of people to understand. Break it into smaller pieces so it’s not overwhelming.
- Make your content more in-depth and detailed.
- Spice things up with infographics, images, or gifs to make your content more fun and attention-grabbing.
- If worries about plagiarism creep in, no sweat. Tools like Grammarly Premium or Copyscape can help you check. If you find similarities, tweak your words, use synonyms, or shuffle your sentences.
Final Thoughts
When it comes to writing, we all encounter our fair share of challenges. From deciding on topics, organizing thoughts logically, picking the right keywords, to striking a balance between quality content and SEO, and even pondering whether to tackle already-covered content .
But you’re not in this alone. Many other businesses face similar hurdles.
Here’s a super important thing to remember: if your aim is to genuinely help people, sharing your expertise and experiences with a mission to bring value, the magic will happen.
People and Google will start noticing. They will see you and your business as a trustworthy and sincere source.
I truly hope that you’ve picked up some helpful insights for your writing journey from this blog. Thank you for investing your valuable time in reading this far.