Long-Form vs. Short-Form Content for Your Business Needs

Long-Form vs. Short-Form Content

This blog will compare long-form vs. short-form content and help you choose the right one for your business!

In the world of online marketing, there’s an ongoing debate: Is it better to use long articles or short ones? 

But guess what? You don’t have to pick just one! They both have benefits for your business!

Long articles are like experts – they teach and show they know their stuff. They dive deep into topics. 

Short content, on the other hand, are like quick sparks – they catch your eye in a flash, perfect for a world where people scroll quickly.

In this blog, we’ll look at the benefits of each and show you how to mix them up in your marketing plan to get the most out of it.

How Many Words Are Considered Long-Form Content?

When it comes to defining long-form content, the word count can vary depending on who you ask. There’s no strict rule, but different experts have their own benchmarks.

Some people believe that any article surpassing 700 words falls into the long-form territory. Others set the bar higher, considering articles with over 1,800 words as truly long-form. 

And then, there’s Wordstream’s take, pegging long-form content as articles stretching around 1,200 words or more.

Examples of Long-Form Content

There are some examples of long-form content:

  • E-books: These are like big books that you can read on your computer or a small device you hold.
  • Blog posts: Think of these like detailed articles on a website.
  • White papers: These are deep reports that teach you a lot about a topic and how to solve a problem.
  • Case studies: These show how you helped a happy customer, talking about the problem they had and how you fixed it.
  • Definitive guides: These are like super detailed manuals that teach you everything about one thing.
  • Roundups and reviews: Imagine a really long list where lots of things are compared, like products or services.
  • Long-form videos: Videos that are over 10 minutes and go on for a while and cover a topic in-depth.

Benefits of Long-form Content

1. Higher ranking on search engines

Long-form content offers several advantages, including a boost in search engine rankings. 

In shorter content, overcrowding with keywords, known as “keyword stuffing,” can result in awkward and perplexing text for readers. 

Long-form content, on the other hand, provides ample space for both context and targeted keywords. Lengthier articles empower authors to delve deeply into topics, effectively conveying their ideas. 

This extended engagement can lead to increased visitor duration on your website, which registers positively with Google’s algorithms.

Actually, posts that go beyond 2,000 words tend to get better results. Google tends to favor longer content because it’s all about giving useful info to readers.

Neil Patel’s research found that people spend 40% more time on long-form content pages than average ones, and they explore about 25% more pages than other visitors. 

This makes Google see longer content as more valuable and important, which can boost your ranking.

Related: 11 Compelling Reasons Why Your Business Should Have A Blog

2. Building trust

When your readers find your answers satisfying, a sense of trust begins to build. By offering comprehensive solutions to your customers’ or prospects’ inquiries, you can establish credibility and build trust.

When you consistently provide detailed insights or answers to the topics your audience is curious about, they’re more likely to return to your website.

This encourages visitors to return, knowing they can rely on your website for in-depth insights and answers. This cycle of trust leads to more meaningful interactions and conversations.

Related: The Most Effective Ways To Create Trust-Building Content

3. Getting more leads and sales

Long-form content serves a dual purpose: it not only helps address the queries of existing customers but also facilitates meaningful connections with your prospects. 

These interactions play a vital role in driving sales, making this blogging strategy a crucial element to consider.

Furthermore, research has shown that longer posts can generate up to 9 times more sales leads compared to shorter ones. 

This statistic underscores the significant impact that well-crafted, comprehensive content can have on your lead generation and sales efforts.

How Many Words Are Considered Short-Form Content?

When it comes to written content, short-form usually means pieces that are shorter than 1,000 words. For visual content like quick videos, it’s usually around three minutes or less.

According to Colormatics, 93% of marketers have successfully attracted customers through social media short videos. 

Many brands use videos on platforms like social media to showcase their products, allowing their creations to shine and engage with the audience.

Examples of Short-Form Content

Here are some examples of short-form content:

  • Social media posts
  • Tweets
  • Short videos (under 10 minutes)
  • Infographics
  • Brief emails

Benefits of Short-Form Content

1. Taking less time to produce

Creating short-form content is much quicker compared to the time-consuming process of crafting long-form pieces. 

Thanks to AI, tools like ChatGPT, creating short-form content has become much quicker and easier. By providing high-quality prompts, you can receive output that aligns with the quality of your input.

2. Easy to consume 

In our digital age, where many people are glued to their mobile phones, it’s often more convenient to have content that’s short, direct, and easy to skim through.

Based on insights from Colormatics, 66% of video ads are actually less than 30 seconds in duration. Also, about 68% of people are happy to watch a business video if it’s under a minute.

3. Building brand awareness on social media

Short-form content is a perfect match for social media, creating a dynamic interaction between brands and their audiences. When it comes to establishing your online presence, every connection you make matters. 

Tailor-made for social platforms, short-form content offers easily digestible nuggets of information, reaching a broader spectrum of viewers. 

Platforms like social media thrive on concise content that taps into ongoing trends and societal dynamics. This linkage between branded content and familiar themes enhances accessibility to a wider audience.

According to marketing experts, short videos outshine other formats in terms of engagement and lead generation, promising the highest return on investment.

How to Combine Two Forms of Content

To harness the power of both long-form and short-form content, consider these effective strategies:

  • Repurpose for social media: Take your extensive content and adapt them into bite-sized content for platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Linkedin. This approach makes your content more shareable and attracts a wider audience on social media.
  • Engage through social media posts: Craft compelling social media posts that lead users back to your long-form content. By creating a strong online presence, you can draw traffic from social media platforms to your blog site.
  • Write short emails: Keep your subscribers informed about your latest content with concise and engaging emails. This direct approach ensures that your audience stays up-to-date with your content.
  • Utilize short videos: Create short videos that spark curiosity and drive viewers to explore your long-formcontent. Videos are a dynamic way to capture attention and encourage further reading.
  • Create infographics: Summarize your lengthy posts using eye-catching infographics. Visual learners will appreciate this approach, and it’s an effective method to convey essential information succinctly.

Final Thoughts

Deciding between long-form and short-form content for your business might seem daunting. But there’s no need to choose just one. Combining both approaches can be a clever strategy.

Long-form content goes deep, showing your expertise and building trust. Short-form content grabs attention swiftly and suits fast online browsing.

Using a mix of both covers all bases, engaging different readers and making your brand more versatile. It’s an investment in your business’s success.

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