9 Red Flags That Indicate a Writer Is Scamming You

how to know a writer is scamming you

In today’s digital world, many people rely on writers to help them create online content. Whether it’s for websites, blogs, or social media, having someone who can craft engaging and informative text is crucial. 

However, not all writers are trustworthy. Some are out there to deceive you, and the experience of falling victim to such dishonest writers can leave you feeling deeply frustrated and helpless.

Imagine you’re in need of a writer for an important project. You’ve worked hard to earn your money, and you’re excited to find the perfect person to help you. 

But as you search online and reach out to potential writers, you start noticing some strange things. These writers promise the world, but their actions don’t match their words. Soon enough, you realize you’ve been scammed. Not only have you lost your money, but your banking information may also be at risk.

The feelings that come with this situation are intense. First, there’s frustration—you feel like you’ve been taken advantage of by someone you thought you could trust. You might also feel embarrassed for falling for their tricks. 

Then, there’s helplessness because you’ve lost money and worry about your personal info. It’s a rollercoaster of emotions that can leave you feeling vulnerable and unsure about who to trust next time.

In this blog, we’ll talk about the signs that show a writer might be trying to scam you. By knowing these warning signs, you can protect yourself from dishonest writers, keep your money safe, and make sure your sensitive information stays secure. 

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1. They Are Too Good to Be True

scamming writers

When you come across someone offering a 1000-word content for just $2 – $5 with unlimited revisions, it might sound too good to be true. It can make you feel skeptical because if the seller is still real, the content might not be of high-quality or something useful for your website.

Sure, some new sellers may charge lower prices at the beginning and raise their rates as they gain experience, which is reasonable since they put time and effort into their work. However, when the price seems too good to believe, it’s essential to be cautious and consider whether you might be dealing with a scam writer.

2. Their Profiles Are Not Complete

Another red flag to watch out for is incomplete profiles, especially on platforms like Fiverr or Upwork, where sellers have the chance to tell you all about themselves. 

Serious writers usually take the time to complete their profiles, showcasing their skills and experiences.

One of the essential parts missing is their portfolio. Honest and professional writers often proudly display their portfolio to show you samples of their previous work. This helps you see the kind of content they can create and whether it aligns with what you need. 

Even new sellers on those platforms, they still try to put the spec pieces of examples for their portfolio, giving you a glimpse of their capabilities.

If a writer’s portfolio is missing, how do you know if they’re a good fit or not for your writing needs? If you’re on the journey of spotting scam writers, pay close attention to these incomplete profiles and missing portfolios.

3. They Are Anonymous

Trust is the cornerstone of any successful business relationship, and it’s difficult to build that trust with someone you can’t even see.

When writers try to be anonymous, it can raise a red flag. On freelance platforms, you might find many sellers who don’t show their face on their profiles. 

While some might be shy, seeing a writer’s face can give you more confidence that they are real humans and not trying to hide anything from you, at least their face.

It’s essential to keep in mind that not all sellers without their faces on their profile are scammers. However, this anonymity might make you feel unsure about trusting them. 

4. They Don’t Answer Your Question

Another sign to watch out for is when writers don’t answer your questions directly. If you ask them about their experience or expertise, but they just ramble or avoid giving a clear answer, it might be a red flag that something isn’t right.

A professional writer will be proud to share their experience and expertise with you. They’ll be happy to explain how they can help you and what makes them the right fit for your writing needs. 

Moreover, if a writer cannot tell you the process of their writing when you ask them, it’s another red flag to be cautious about. Transparency is essential in any business relationship, and if they can’t show you how they work, it might make you wonder what they’re hiding.

5. They’re Not Interested in Your Business

writers are scamming you

As a buyer and business owner, you can feel it when they don’t ask relevant questions about your problems or desires. It feels like they’re not invested in your business at all.

If they’re serious about what they’re doing, they’ll ask thoughtful questions to create in-depth and optimized content that suits your needs perfectly. 

But when a writer seems  not interested and doesn’t bother to know more about you, it’s a warning sign. They might not put their heart into creating content that truly serves your business goals.

6. They Give You Plagiarized Content

Plagiarism is completely unacceptable in the world of writing. Receiving that kind of content is a major red flag to watch out for.  

Plagiarism-free content is the bottom line of any writing service, and it’s something you should never compromise on.

When you diligently check your content using reliable plagiarism-checking tools like Premium Grammarly or Copyscape, but you still find that the content is plagiarized, it’s a clear sign that you might be dealing with a scammig writer.

7. They Give You Generic Content

When you receive a piece of content that feels generic and lacks originality, it’s a sign that the writer might not be the best fit for your needs. 

Generic content won’t do much for your website’s SEO, which means it won’t help your website rank high on search engines.

If you ever need generic content without any research, statistics, or up-to-date information, you can easily get it from AI like ChatGPT. With AI-generated content, you don’t have to pay much, and you can get content that serves a basic purpose.

8. They Try to Take the Conversation away from the Platform

If a writer attempts to take the conversation away from the platform, you should be cautious. 

For example, if they say, “Hey, can you add me on Whatsapp?” it might be a sign that they could be a scam.

The reason this is concerning is that each platform usually has its terms of service about not taking clients out of the platform. 

A writer’s suggestion to move the conversation elsewhere might indicate that they’re not serious about following the platform’s rules and guidelines.

To protect yourself, it’s essential to stick to the platform for communication and transactions. These platforms often have built-in protections for buyers like you, ensuring that you get what you pay for because when you communicate outside the platform, you risk losing your money without receiving anything in return.

9. They Ask You about Your ID or Bank Account 

a writer is scamming you

When a writer asks you about your ID or bank account, it’s a massive red flag, and you should be extremely cautious. This is not a standard practice and could indicate an attempt to scam you.

Dealing with writers, especially on a freelance platform should never involve sharing your bank account information before signing a contract or starting the project. In fact, sellers on these platforms are not supposed to know your personal information like bank account or ID number.

If you ever encounter a situation where a writer asks for such sensitive details, you can be confident that it’s a scam. Scammers might use this information for identity theft or unauthorized transactions, which can cause you a lot of trouble.


Finding a reliable writer can indeed be challenging. There are many scam writers out there who might try to trick you with promises of cheap or plagiarized content. 

Following these tips, you can protect yourself from falling into the trap of scammers and find trustworthy and reliable writers who genuinely care about your needs.

Hopefully, this article has been helpful in guiding you on your journey to avoid being scammed. Armed with your detective skills and newfound knowledge, you can confidently navigate the world of writers and ensure that you receive high-quality, content every time.

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