10 Must-Have Elements for a Stellar Website Homepage

website homepage

The homepage acts like a friendly welcome mat that greets visitors when they arrive at a website. Its job is super important because it decides whether visitors should stick around to explore or leave to find something else.

Studies reveal that the average visitor spends less than 15 seconds on a homepage before deciding to delve deeper or depart elsewhere. This brief window of opportunity necessitates a strategically designed and captivating homepage to leave an indelible impression.

In this blog, you’ll discover the magic ingredients that successful websites use to make your homepage stand out and grab people’s attention.

1. Headline

The key to an excellent homepage is grabbing your visitors’ attention in just 2.6 seconds. That’s all the time you have to show what your business is all about. 

If you don’t make it clear right away, you might miss out on potential customers. Your homepage’s headline, the big and bold title at the top, should communicate the value, results, or transformations your business can provide for your customers or clients. 

Remember, people don’t just buy products or services for the sake of it; they seek solutions to their problems.

Your headline should be like a signpost that directs them to the solutions they’ve been looking for. It’s like a friendly guide saying, “Hey, we have what you need right here!”

website homepage content

Let’s take a closer look at Omsom‘s headline: “Real Asian flavors in minutes.” You instantly know that Omsom is all about bringing authentic Asian flavors to your kitchen in no time. 

The word “minutes” is like a secret ingredient that adds an extra sprinkle of excitement because everyone loves delicious meals in a flash.

2. Sub-Headline

The next crucial part of an outstanding homepage is the sub-headline that expands upon the promise made in the headline. It provides valuable details on how your business can deliver the results or value to your customers or clients.

website homepage examples

Pixelgrade does an exceptional job of clearly stating their purpose – they “create simple WordPress themes.” By including words like “simple” and “easy,” they convey a sense of convenience that instantly attracts potential customers.

This clarity in sub-headline makes visitors know exactly what Pixelgrade does and feel that their product can make their lives easier. This motivates them to consider working with Pixelgrade. 

3. Primary Call-to-Action

The third essential element of a successful homepage centers around the call-to-action (CTA). A prominent and obvious CTA is crucial for guiding visitors towards the actions you want them  to perform.

When creating your CTA, make it clear, actionable, and specific. Avoid vague or passive language like “Learn More” or “Contact Us,” which can leave visitors unsure about what to do next. 

Instead, opt for direct and compelling phrases like “Book an appointment,” “Schedule a free consultation,” “Buy now,” or “Sign up for free.” Specific CTAs entice visitors with a clear idea of what to expect, encouraging them to take action without hesitation.

Simplicity is key when it comes to call-to-action (CTA) on your homepage. Featuring only one primary CTA prevents visitors from feeling overwhelmed or confused.

A single, focused CTA helps them understand exactly what action you want them to take, increasing the likelihood of their action.

best homepage websites

Mint did a great job when using “Sign up for free” as their primary call-to-action. The word “free” is particularly compelling, as people are naturally drawn to complimentary offers. This straightforward CTA also attracts visitors immediately, enticing them to take the next step in their journey. 

4. Attractive Images

The image you choose on the homepage should have an emotional impact, forging a connection with your visitors. 

The best type of photo is one featuring a happy customer, as it allows potential customers to envision themselves experiencing the benefits of choosing your business.

Even if your business is new and you don’t have real customer photos yet, you can still use images that represent the satisfaction customers will feel when they choose your products or services. Natural and positive images work best, as they create a welcoming atmosphere.

how to write website homepage

A fine example of this can be seen in how United Healthcare uses photos of happy customers. This image emotionally connects with visitors, allowing them to picture themselves experiencing the same contentment and success. Such imagery reinforces the positive association with the brand and instills a sense of trust in potential customers.

5. Problems

Some businesses may skip this section, fearing it could bring negative feelings to their visitors. However, that’s not the case. In fact, acknowledging your customers’ problems shows that you truly understand them, and that’s what people want – to be understood.

Related: Success Comes From Understanding Your Customers’ Problems

In this section, you can include about two short paragraphs that highlight the specific problems your customers are encountering. This sense of empathy and understanding builds a strong connection with your audience, making them feel understood.

most important things for a website

Paidcopywriter stands out as an admirable example. They point out the problems that many freelancers are currently facing, showcasing their deep understanding of their target audience’s struggles.

6. Solutions

Once you have addressed the problems your customers are facing, it’s time to shine a spotlight on the solutions you provide. Having this section on your website will allow visitors to understand how your offerings can meet their specific needs.

things you need for a website

LHT Learning is a great example of effectively listing the learning solutions they offer. By presenting their range of services (solutions), they demonstrate their expertise and commitment to meeting their customers’ educational needs.

7. Testimonials

Testimonials serve as a powerful tool to build trust with your audience. They offer real-life feedback from satisfied customers.

If your business is new and you don’t have testimonials yet, it’s alright to skip this section for now. As your business grows and garners positive feedback, you can revisit this element to strengthen your credibility.

According to Entrepreneur, a staggering 72% of consumers take action only after reading a positive review. 

content required for website

One exemplary instance of leveraging testimonials comes from Slack. They showcase customer testimonials alongside a short video, masterfully incorporating the power of video marketing. As Wistia reports, people spend 2.6X more time on web pages with video than those without, making it a noteworthy signal for Google to recognize the value and relevance of your content.

8. Benefits

Benefits hold significant importance to consumers as they seek products or services that can genuinely enhance their lives or solve their problems. People are more likely to make a purchase when they believe a particular offering will bring them specific benefits or value.

Identify 3-5 benefits your products or services provide and present them in a clear and concise manner. This allows potential customers to quickly grasp the value proposition your business offers.

9. Features

In this section, you’ll want to add a bullet list of the key features your business offers and explain how each one benefits your customers. This approach provides a concise and easy-to-read overview of the unique aspects that set your products or services apart.

Clearly outline the features and then follow up with a short explanation of the benefits they bring to your customers. This demonstrates how your offerings can directly address their needs and add value to their lives.

what a website should have

A great example of effectively presenting features can be seen in Honeybook‘s approach. They listed five features, accompanied by brief descriptions of how each feature benefits their customers. This straightforward and informative layout helps visitors quickly grasp the advantages of using Honeybook’s services.

10. Secondary Call-to-Action

A secondary CTA  offers a gentle nudge to those who may need a little more encouragement.

Keep it simple and direct, such as “Are you ready to get …?” This straightforward question prompts visitors to consider the value they can gain from your offerings.

In this section, include the same call-to-action as the primary one. Reiterating the primary CTA reinforces its importance and ensures that visitors don’t miss the opportunity to take the desired action.

Final Thoughts

The headline is the gateway to capture their attention within seconds, followed by supporting content that elaborates on the value your business provides. 

By combining these elements in a thoughtful and strategic manner, your homepage can become a powerful tool to attract and retain customers, ultimately leading to the success and growth of your business.

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